Benefits of onions

Onions have been used for food for thousands of years. To date, there are more than 400 types of this vegetable. With him, prepare a huge number of dishes. Such popularity is due to the enormous benefit of onions. By the way, the addition of onions to the dish will not affect the figure negatively, since its caloric value is only 41 kcal per 100 grams of the product.

Chemical composition of onions

In onions contain vitamins C and B, essential oils and many useful substances such as copper, manganese, zinc, calcium , cobalt, iron, molybdenum, nickel, iodine and fluorine.

Benefits and harm of white onions

As for white onions, it has a bright aroma and not such a sharp taste. After cutting, white onions should be used as quickly as possible, as it quickly loses its useful properties. Unlike a traditional onion, white will not leave behind an unpleasant smell and taste.

The use of white onions is due to its composition. It includes phytoncides, which destroy pathogenic microorganisms. This kind of onion can be used to treat abscesses, purulent wounds and various infectious diseases. White onions can lower blood sugar, which gives him the opportunity to become part of the menu of people with diabetes.

The constant use of this onion stimulates the production of gastric juice and an improvement in appetite . This vegetable removes excess cholesterol from the body. White onion reduces puffiness and improves lymph flow.

Harm of white onions

Contraindications to the use of white onions exist only in connection with the individual intolerance of this product. Using it in moderation will only benefit the body.

Benefits of fried onions

Without fried onions, it's hard to imagine many dishes. If you cook onions correctly, you can save almost all the useful properties in it, so the benefits of this onion are almost the same as fresh ones.