Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

Women who drink alcohol during pregnancy, put future children in serious danger and health problems. Alcohol easily passes through the placental barrier and has an irreversible effect on the baby. This bad habit can cause fetal alcohol syndrome in children, which causes a number of life-long disorders. The severity of the disease directly depends on how often and much the mother drinks.

Signs of alcohol syndrome

There is no evidence that there is a dose of alcohol that can be consumed by a future mother and does not harm the fetus. Therefore, a pregnant woman should completely abandon any alcohol. It is advisable to do this at the planning stage in order to exclude the possibility of exposure to harmful substances in the early stages. After all, it is at the very beginning that the internal organs are laid, as well as the nervous system.

Alcoholic syndrome in children is characterized by the following symptoms:

Immediately after birth, the doctor may notice a number of phenomena that indicate abnormalities in the functioning of the nervous system, for example, tremor, muscle hypotension, spontaneous convulsions. Toddlers on natural feeding poorly suck their breasts.

A sick child does not have all of the listed characteristics. A fully developed picture can be observed in those children whose mothers suffered from heavy drunkenness.

Consequences of alcoholic fetal syndrome

With age, the condition of the patient is aggravated. The probability of visual pathologies, ear infections, malocclusion is great. Often children with this syndrome suffer from reduced attention, poor self-discipline, mood swings. They are heavily poured into the collective, they have difficulties in learning and communicating. They are characterized by a low level of intelligence, falsity, the development of mental disorders. In the future, problems with the law are possible due to the misperception of social norms by such people.

This condition can not be completely cured. You can only fight with the manifestation of certain symptoms.