Ascorbic acid in pregnancy

For the sake of their health and well-being, a person must receive the necessary amount of minerals and vitamins every day. Their dose can grow or decrease, which is completely dependent on a large number of external and internal factors. One of those is pregnancy. Many questions arise in women in the situation, for example, about the advisability of taking ascorbic acid during pregnancy. Let's consider this question with the maximum details.

What is the benefit of ascorbic acid for a future mother?

Vitamin C is an extremely important component, especially for an organism that experiences a double load. This element is able to strengthen the immune system, that is, to increase the body's resistance to the onslaught of pathogens. In addition, the use of ascorbic acid in tablets is still in its ability to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and arteries, which is important for the normal functioning of almost all systems and organs.

Ascorbic has the ability to neutralize toxins and a large number of toxic substances, which are in the lowest doses in the human body, for example: cyanide, benzene, arsenic, lead, etc. Also, regular use of ascorbic acid during pregnancy promotes better absorption and production of other beneficial substances, as well as the removal of excessively accumulated cholesterol.

For a woman in a position, the correct intake of vitamin C brings simply tremendous benefits. For example, stimulation of the natural process of elastin and collagen secretion occurs, which helps to prevent stretch marks , provides elasticity of muscle tissues and reduces the risk of bleeding during the resolution of the burden. All this leads to the fact that labor will take place easier and with the most minimal complications.

The use of ascorbic acid tablets for the fetus

Ascorbic is necessary for a child in the mother's womb, almost exactly as a woman who carries it. Nature has taken care of the baby to take everything he needs for growth and development, from his mother, of course, if it is present in her body. This leads to the fact that the woman literally "crumbs" of vitamin C remains after giving the fetus everything necessary, which can have a negative impact on the course of gestation. Experiencing a clear lack of ascorbic acid, the pregnant woman exposes her child to the risk of stunting and hypotrophy .

How to take vitamin C during pregnancy?

The maximum dosage of ascorbic acid during pregnancy should not exceed 2 grams per day. It should be taken into account that this vitamin can enter the body and with other products or medicines.

In the presence of certain indicators, ascorbic acid is often prescribed during pregnancy intravenously in doses established by the doctor who observes the bearing. The drug is combined with a solution of sodium chloride and injected into the vein very slowly. Obviously, the use of ascorbic acid with glucose, administered intravenously or intramuscularly to eliminate various types of bleeding, dystrophy, infectious diseases, poisoning and other pathologies.

What is fraught with an overdose of ascorbic acid during pregnancy?

Abuse of this drug is quite capable of provoking the appearance of a withdrawal syndrome in the newborn and complications resulting from it with health. Also, such side effects as: nausea, vomiting, metabolic disorders and the like are not excluded.