Nootropic drugs of the new generation - list

Today, to stimulate the brain and protect the nervous reactions, nootropic drugs of a new generation are used, the list of which is so impressive that it takes several pages. Basically, these are complex agents consisting directly of a nootropic component and auxiliary substances that improve the nutrition of nerve cells - amino acids, vitamins, antioxidants .

What is the difference between new nootropic drugs and old ones?

People use nootropic drugs for a long time and do not even know about it. For example, the simplest nootropic choline is found in eggs, meat, fish and seafood. By eating food rich in animal protein, we stimulate the production of the hormone serotonin, which not only is responsible for a sense of pleasure, but also has a beneficial effect on neural connections. The brain begins to work more actively, memory and thinking processes improve. To the simplest nootropics also include coffee, green tea, nicotine, amphetamines. These are the so-called stimulators of brain activity. All known vitamin B6 and Glycine tablets also belong to this type of remedy, they improve metabolic processes in the spinal cord and brain.

In the middle of the twentieth century, in the field of studying the work of the brain, there was a strong leap forward. Such types of nootropic drugs were developed, studied and classified:

There is another classification, based on the origin of the main active substance and its functions, but it is rather complicated and confusing, and therefore is of interest only to physicians. In addition, for the time being, mainly the use of ratsetam is used in therapy. This is the basis of nootropic drugs of the new generation. Ratsetamy are a chemical structure, derivatives of pyrrolidine. Here is a short list of the most popular drugs from this category:

Unlike natural stimulants, these drugs have a very precise effect on certain areas of the brain, which allows them to be used not only to improve memory and intelligence, but also in the therapy of strokes, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. These are the most effective nootropic drugs.

Newest Nootropic Drugs

Since the newest means are combined, they combine the new generation of ratsetam and auxiliary substances. Very popular are such modern nootropic drugs as:

Most often, patients who have suffered a stroke are prescribed Fezam. This medicine is a combination of piracetam and cinnarizine. This antihistamine drug improves blood circulation in the brain and strengthens the walls of even the smallest vessels. Many consider it the best nootropic drug. We agree with this statement, but we want to note that other means have shown themselves very well. In addition, virtually all nootropic drugs have few contraindications and side effects, which greatly facilitates the appointment and use.

Older patients are better off giving preference to the newest combination drugs. But young people who are striving to improve the brain can buy any ratsetam and supplement it with regular charging and proper nutrition. The effect will not be any worse, since the body reacts to moderate physical activity by the release of serotonin and other hormones that have a beneficial effect on neural connections and the nervous system as a whole.