How to treat rheumatism?

Rheumatism, the development of which experts associate with the transferred streptococcal infection of the nasopharynx in genetically predisposed people to pathology, affects mainly the cardiovascular system and joints, as well as the skin, internal organs, nervous system. The joints affected by rheumatism are characterized by soreness, restriction of mobility, presence of swelling and redness in the pathological area. In this case, alternate inflammation of different groups of joints is observed, most often large (knee, hip, wrist, ulnar, etc.).

Which doctor treats rheumatism?

If you suspect a rheumatism, you should consult a rheumatologist, a therapist or an arthrologist. Having evaluated the clinical picture, the doctor will recommend passing a series of laboratory and instrumental studies that will help establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.

How to treat joint rheumatism at home?

To start treating rheumatism should be as soon as possible. In most cases, at the initial stage of the disease, the pathological process can be stopped without the need to stay in the hospital, taking medication according to the prescribed scheme. The list of drugs recommended for this pathology includes preparations of the following groups:

Patients should adhere to bed rest, as well as a diet that is conducive to the cardiovascular system (for the prevention of complications). So, in the diet you need to limit the amount of salt, cancel fatty foods, smoked products, spicy seasonings. A good effect for the early restoration of the functioning of the joints and the consolidation of a positive result is provided by physiotherapy, massage, medical gymnastics, which can be performed on an outpatient basis.

How to treat chronic rheumatism?

Older relapsing rheumatism is more difficult to treat, and in this case, a method such as plasmapheresis can be used to purify blood from aggressive antibodies and toxins. To prevent recurrence, the antibiotic Bicillin is often prescribed, providing long-term maintenance of the therapeutic concentration of the drug in the blood. Patients with this pathology are also recommended to have spa treatment.