High fever without symptoms

Usually, the increase in temperature is associated with the reaction of immunity to ingesting various kinds of infections, bacteria and viruses. This phenomenon is absolutely normal in the fight against pathogenic organisms. But sometimes a high body temperature keeps without symptoms and visible manifestations of any disease. What to do in this case and where to look for the reasons, you will learn right now.

Causes of high fever without symptoms

ARVI. Among the most common factors provoking a fever, it is worth noting the flu or acute respiratory viral infection. However, a person does not always feel bad on the very first day of infection, the characteristic signs of the disease can appear only in the evening or the next day.

Inflammation of the genitourinary system. If the fever lasts long without the symptoms of a cold, it may be that the kidneys or bladder are inflamed. Such diseases pyelonephritis and cystitis for a long time can be hidden, without discomfort and discomfort.

Abscess. The accumulation of purulent masses with muscle tissues or in the skin inevitably leads to an increase in body temperature. This is because immunity produces protective cells to stop the multiplication of pathogenic bacteria and neutralize their effects on the entire body.

Tuberculosis. High fever without other symptoms can be a bright sign of pneumonia. In this case, there is often a slight dry cough, which is initially mistaken for the consequences of a flu or cold.

Cyst. This new growth can exist in the body for a long time without the manifestation of symptoms. A sudden increase in body temperature in this case is a signal that the cyst has ruptured or for some reason separated from the leg, which was attached to the organ.

Inflammatory process in the appendix. As practice shows, this pathology is not always accompanied by severe pain in the abdomen, in the groin or in the side, and from the characteristic signs there is only a fever and, accordingly, some weakness.

Lyme disease . This disease develops after a tick bite and causes a sharp and strong rise in temperature. If it is suspected that the cause of this condition is really an insect, you should immediately contact an infectious disease specialist.

HIV. A high temperature without symptoms accompanies the human immunodeficiency virus. This is due to the constant struggle of the organism with the infected cells.

Day of the cycle. During the ovulation period, some women have a slightly increased temperature, which is a relatively normal process and a characteristic of the body.

Neurological disorders. The temperature may increase due to exacerbation of vegetative-vascular dystonia, or due to mental or physical overload.

Allergy. In this case, it should be noted that a high temperature without symptoms often accompanies the taking of medications that are not individually suitable for the patient.

Diseases of the endocrine system. Persistent long-term abnormalities in thyroid function and imbalance of hormones are a frequent cause of fever. You need to pay attention to weight fluctuations, mood changes.

High fever and no symptoms

If there are no signs of any of these diseases at all, there is a possibility of disorders in the brain, mental disorder or acute depressive state. In such cases, after the appointment with the therapist, you must always consult a psychologist or psychiatrist.