Cough does not pass after a cold

Many meet with a situation where after a cold cough does not pass. The main symptoms of the disease have already disappeared, but with bronchial problems continue. Do not immediately sound an alarm - this is a logical explanation.

Is it worth worrying if after a cold you do not have a cough for a long time?

Specialists call the residual cough the norm. But if it does not go away within two to three weeks, after the disappearance of other symptoms of the disease, it can talk about complications - pertussis, pneumonia or even chronic bronchitis . Whether such a cough is a serious problem or a residual phenomenon will be shown by specialized analyzes. In some cases, small problems with bronchial tubes can last for two months.

Why does not it cough after a cold?

As a rule, the acute period of infectious diseases lasts two to three days. During this time, microorganisms manage to damage the mucosa of the respiratory tract, which significantly increases the sensitivity of the bronchi. In this case, coughing attacks are provoked simply - inhalation of cold or dry air, temperature changes. During this period, the patient often suffers from a dry cough or with very little sputum. In this case, the throat may not even ache, but only perspire.

If a dry cough does not pass for a while after a cold, you need to continue treatment at home, and it is advisable to avoid sudden temperature changes.

Prolonged sore throat and cough should not be started. It is recommended to pay special attention to such symptoms. It is necessary to do a chest X- ray, to pass general tests, and in some cases even to conduct additional examinations. Most often, after diagnosis, special drugs are prescribed, stimulating the withdrawal of phlegm from the bronchi. In severe cases, antibiotics are ascribed.