Aquarium for turtles

Aquariums for turtles, the more correct name - terrariums, are chosen based on the size of your pet, its species, and the number of turtles that are planned to be placed in one dwelling.

What aquarium is needed for a land tortoise?

Land turtles do not need the equipment of a special place for swimming, and also an island on which the turtle could warm. It is enough for them to choose a suitable aquarium, although for some tropical species it may be necessary to install a small "bath", in which the turtle could refresh.

Calculate the size of a suitable terrarium is quite simple. Its length and width are set, based on the size of the pet. So, the length can be from 2 to 6 lengths of a turtle, and width - from 2 to 6 measurements of its width in the most voluminous place of a shell. Also, if it is planned to contain several animals together, the size of the terrarium increases in direct proportion to the number of turtles. The height of a suitable container for living animals should be selected in such a way that after pouring into the aquarium soil (a layer of 2 to 5 cm) there was still a board 10-12 cm high or the one through which the tortoise can climb.

In an aquarium for a land tortoise, it is necessary to equip ventilation. Holes for it can be located on the walls of the terrarium, in a lid or floor. It should also be noted that some turtles do not recognize glass surfaces, so the three walls of the aquarium can be glued with a special background, leaving only the front part transparent. The terrarium must be provided with a lid to avoid escaping pets.

From what else is needed for an aquarium for a turtle, correct lighting is mandatory. It is equipped with a light bulb up to 60 watts. The lamp is located in one corner of the terrarium, where the feeder is also installed and, if the turtle is tropical, the "bathing". The temperature in this corner of the turtle's dwelling should be 28-32 ° C. Opposite - cold - the angle should not be heated above 22-24 ° C. This is a suitable place for the equipment of the turtle house.

What aquarium is needed for water turtles?

For aquatic turtles aquariums are chosen in a rectangular shape, as these animals do not float in depth, but in length. Its longest side should be about 7 times larger than the length of the tortoise shell itself, and the width is half the length. The height of the water column in the aquarium should be at least three lengths of the turtle, while above the water should remain sufficiently high walls, so that the turtle could not leave the aquarium on its own.

For the maintenance of aquatic turtles necessarily arrangement in an aquarium of an island of a land on which they could be heated. It should be flat enough that turtles can easily climb on the island. Above it, an overhead light lamp is installed for heating. The ratio between land size in the water space in such aquariums is about 20% by 80%.

Water turtles feel well in water at a temperature of 26-32 ° C. For the aquarium, ordinary tap water can be used, it is only necessary to allow it to stand a little, so that chlorine and other volatile compounds used for cleaning can exit.

In the water in such a terrarium, you can place a decorative soil , plant algae, which will give the aquarium a more beautiful appearance. It is also better to seal the rear walls with a decorative background. If an aquarium with a lid is used, it should be equipped with a ventilation system, although it is acceptable for aquatic turtles to live in an open aquarium. Water in it should be changed as it gets dirty, but at least once a month, although some tortoise breeders recommend weekly changing some water and adding a new one to avoid radical cleaning as long as possible.