Healthy skin

A healthy and clean skin of the face is the dream of every girl. But, unfortunately, in the pursuit of beauty, its main component is usually missed, namely, the health of the organism from within.

Healthy facial skin without acne - what is needed for this?

First of all, you need to understand that the beauty of the skin directly depends on the state of internal organs, the endocrine system and the work of immunity. Therefore, you should follow these recommendations:

  1. To lead a healthy lifestyle, to abandon addictions.
  2. Do sport.
  3. Take vitamin complexes.
  4. Maintain the microflora of the intestines.
  5. Monitor the work of immunity.
  6. Monitor the hormonal background.
  7. Give sufficient time to rest and sleep.
  8. Observe the norms of healthy eating.
  9. Use the required amount of clean drinking water daily.

With regard to external care, the following tips are useful:

The most important thing is to find out the cause of the unhealthy kind of skin. Therefore, it is important in time to seek the help of a qualified specialist who will assign the necessary tests and studies.

Nutrition for healthy skin

It is necessary to exclude:

These products contribute to the increase of the sebaceous glands and, as a result, increase the fat content of the skin, which creates a favorable environment for the reproduction of bacteria. In addition, it is necessary to limit consumption of flour products, especially from white flour of the highest grade. Preference should be given to whole-grain products.

Useful products are:

In addition to the right diet, you need to take care of the diet schedule. The best option is a five-time meal in small portions. This ensures normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and internal organs. Thus, one never worries the feeling of severe hunger and there is no problem of overeating and excessive stress on the intestines.