Coat of Mouton

Surely many have heard of such a thing as a coat from a Mouton, but everyone knows what that means. In fact, everything is quite simple: a special sheepskin is used for sewing. That the material was resistant to external influences, the fur is treated with an aqueous solution of formaldehyde (formalin). Thanks to this, each hair is "canned" and keeps a fresh appearance for a long time.

Fur coat of Mouton has the following properties:

The coat of a sheared mouton is worn for about 15 seasons. For comparison, the fox serves 5 seasons, mink - 10, and otter 20 seasons. At the same time, the price of mutton products is not very high, which is due to the established production of sheepskins and the lack of a deficit.

Kinds of coats

Modern manufacturers offer fine ladies a wide assortment of outerwear, the basis of which is Muton. Here you can distinguish:

  1. Coat with fur inserts. To make the product more interesting and luxurious, it is decorated with fox fur, rabbit, scribble and raccoon. Inserts can be made on the front of the coat, or along the edge of the collar and cuffs.
  2. Coat of Mouton with a hood. This product is great for winter wear, and a deep hood will be an excellent alternative to a tight hat.
  3. Coat of astragane. For sewing, a sheepskin with a strong curl and stuffed crochet is used. Due to a special curl and a short haircut, the effect resembles a karakul. Astragan is lighter than an ordinary mouton and at the same time it is not inferior to it in terms of its saving properties.

At the moment, the best quality are Russian, Italian and French coats from the Mouton.