Burdock oil for eyelashes

We all know about the usefulness of burdock oil for our head of hair: after its application, the hair becomes thicker and more beautiful. But if the hair on the head reacts that way, can it be burdock oil and eyelashes can be smeared? And that, the cilia will grow long, yes thick, beauty!

Useful properties of burdock oil for eyelashes

Since ancient times burdock oil is used to strengthen the eyelashes. It protects eyelashes from brittleness, gluing their scales. Also, burdock oil, penetrating the structure of the hair, nourishes it with all the available substances, which prolongs the life of cilia. In addition, oil nourishes the skin of the eyelid, and this strengthens the hair follicles. That's why the new eyelashes grow stronger and longer. Also, girls who used burdock oil to strengthen and grow eyelashes, noted not only good growth, but also that the cilia became more dense, fluffy and dark.

But we must remember that there is no need to wait for an instant result. Burdock oil, like any product based on natural ingredients, acts gradually, with constant use. But also the received effect will be proof and will not disappear anywhere, as soon as you stop using burdock oil to strengthen the eyelashes. Side effects of the use of burdock oil does not, but allergies should be careful, natural remedies are often allergens. Therefore, before using burdock oil and formulations based on it, it is necessary to apply the product to the inner side of the elbow and follow the reaction of the skin. If redness or itching does not appear, then everything is in order, you can lubricate the cilia.

Application of burdock oil for growth and strengthening of eyelashes

You can apply burdock oil on your eyelashes with a cotton swab or a brush from an old carcass. Burdock oil is left on the eyelashes for several hours, after which the washes are gently wiped off with a napkin or sponge. It is not desirable to go to bed with burdock oil on eyelashes. Since during the dream, oil can get into your eyes, which will not add to your pleasant sensations - the oil film from the eye is removed with difficulty.

For the growth of eyelashes, it is recommended to use not only pure burdock oil, but also the use of various formulations based on it. At home, you can prepare the following.

  1. Take burdock and castor oil in equal parts, mix them. Add to the composition a drop of aloe juice and a little oil solution of vitamin E. The composition is well mixed and placed in a closed container. We use it for one month, applying on the eyelashes a remedy for the night.
  2. Mix the burdock, castor and almond oil in equal proportions, add a drop of fish oil and an oil solution of vitamin E, you can also add vitamin A. This compound should also be used within a month.
  3. If the cilia fall out, then the next balm will help with this. Mix in equal proportions burdock oil and sea buckthorn. One tablespoon of the crushed rose hips (dry or fresh) is poured with one tablespoon of a mixture of oils. This composition in a sealed container is placed in a dark place for 10 days. Before application, the oil infusion is filtered, and every day we lubricate the eyelashes.

Burdock oil by own hands

Well, those who believe that cooked with their own hands means act better than purchased ones, they can try to make burdock oil themselves.

You will need dried and chopped burdock roots, and any vegetable oil. Here are two ways to prepare burdock oil at home.

  1. Three tablespoons of burdock root pour a glass of oil, insist in a warm place for one day. Next, bring the mixture to a boil and cook it on low heat for 15 minutes. After the oil, we cool, filter and place in closed dishes.
  2. Five tablespoons of burdock root pour ½ liters of oil and insist in a dark cool room for 3 weeks. After the mixture is filtered and used for its intended purpose.