Is it painful to give birth for the first time?

The closer to childbirth, the more often a pregnant woman thinks about whether it is painful to give birth for the first time and what kind of pain the woman experiences during childbirth.

Childbirth is the interval from the first contraction until the child's birth. The norm for the first birth is an interval of 16-17 hours (sometimes less or more). But this does not mean that all this time the woman will experience severe pain.

The entire period of childbirth can be divided into 3 stages:

The first unpleasant sensations a woman begins to experience during labor. This may not happen immediately, a woman may not even notice a part of the contractions (if she is busy with something or asleep, for example). The contraction is a contraction of the uterus and feels like a pain in menstruation, which is gradually increasing. Over time, fights become longer, and the intervals between them contract. In this period, you can talk about pain during childbirth.

The next stage is attempts. It is a contraction of the muscles of the press and the diaphragm, reminiscent of a strong desire to empty the intestine. Not a very pleasant feeling, but it does not last long.

Then begins the birth of the baby. First a head appears (for this, the mother needs to make an effort), then the entire body, and then the placenta emerges. It is at this moment that there comes relief and a feeling of boundless joy.

A few tips - how to ease the pain of childbirth:

  1. Lack of fear and a positive attitude. Scientists have proved that the psychological state strongly affects the process of childbirth, and fear increases pain. Do not listen to terrible stories about childbirth. Besides them, there is an opinion that childbirth can be painless. Some girls assure that they did not feel any pain at delivery. Pain in the fights was present, but it was not too strong and long. To attempts they are simply treated as hard work.
  2. Physical stress (of course permissible) during pregnancy. As a rule, women, regularly engaged in sports, give birth easier.
  3. Ability to relax, as well as breathing and massage techniques. This can be learned in courses for pregnant women or on their own.
  4. Epidural anesthesia. It is a medicamental way to relieve pain if desired or necessary.

No pain experienced during delivery will be compared to the happiness that the mother feels when she squeezes the newborn baby to the breast. The birth of a new life is a special process and only a woman can take part in it.