Premature delivery at 26 weeks

Birth before the term is the situation that any woman tries to avoid. However, this outcome of pregnancy can overtake any pregnant woman, regardless of her way of life or the age-old category. Premature birth at 26 weeks is considered more successful than the delivery, which occurred on a period of 22 to 25 weeks.

Risk factors for premature delivery

For the most part, too early appearance of a child in the world can be provoked by such circumstances:

In order to prevent premature birth on the 25th week, it is strongly recommended that a woman be on time to register for pregnancy and follow all the instructions of the observing gynecologist in a timely manner.

Prognosis for a child with preterm delivery at the 26th week of pregnancy

As a rule, the baby's respiratory system is not yet fully ready for life outside the mother's womb. This fact greatly reduces the child's chances of survival. To ensure its full-fledged future existence, it will take a lot of money, time, the availability of modern equipment and coordinated work of the staff of the perinatal center. If the child has a weight of more than 800 grams, then his chances of life are much greater.