Can I get pregnant within a month after childbirth?

When the period of prolonged abstinence after childbirth is coming to an end, each couple wants to know whether it is possible to become pregnant one month after childbirth. After all, after four to six weeks, sexual relations are resolved, if it is a matter of natural birth. But after Caesarean section, you will have to wait a longer period.

What is the probability of becoming pregnant one month after childbirth?

It has long been believed that while the baby is breastfeeding, a woman can not worry about the next pregnancy. Modern mummies now also apply the image of their great-grandmothers, forgetting that the circumstances of gestation and childbirth have undergone significant changes, and one should not count on the method of lactational amenorrhea .

Normally, if a woman breastfeeds with the same intervals between feedings, ovulation should not be, but practice shows that sometimes it happens and the young mother is again in a position, without waiting and not wanting it. The slightest temporary disruption in the feeding schedule can lead to pregnancy. So, the absence of menstruation - not a testament to the absence of ovulation.

In order to block ovulation, it is necessary that the body has a sufficient amount of prolactin. This means that the baby should be fed on demand almost every 2-3 hours with an overnight break of no more than 4-5 hours. Agree that it is not all so it turns out, in particular, if the milk is small and the baby is offered an additional mixture of bottles.

And the question of whether it is possible to become pregnant one month after childbirth is not relevant for artificial mothers at all, as in their organism ovulation is already occurring, not suppressed by prolactin, in the absence of lactation. This means that as soon as a woman begins to have sex after giving birth, she must be protected from the first day.

Now everyone understands how many months after childbirth you can get pregnant. This can happen as soon as the partners' sexual life resumes. That's why those who do not have menstruation need to visit the gynecologist more often and perform pregnancy tests every month, but only if there is no protection.