Nut - benefit and harm

Peas chickpeas people began to grow a very long time. It was used both for food and for medicinal purposes. Another chickpea is called mutton or turkey peas. Useful properties of chickpeas are often compared with another legume - lentils .

Whites, fats and carbohydrates

In 100 grams of unprocessed peas chickpeas contain 20.1 g of proteins, 4.3 g of fats and 46.4 g of carbohydrates. The calorie content of this product is 309 kcal. But is it possible to use this product for weight loss?

Benefit of chickpeas for losing weight

Peas chickpeas are an excellent source of protein with minimal amounts of fat. Due to the high content of dietary fibers and proteins, this product causes a sense of satiety. American scientists have been shown that the use of beans at least twice a day leads to a decrease in centimeters at the waist, even with the usual diet.

If peas are considered - as a basis of dietary nutrition, then they should replace meat and other foods containing saturated fats. Because of the high caloric content, the portion size is also important.

The Benefits of Chickpeas

The benefits of chickpeas are due to the content in it of a large number of nutrients and vitamins. In this type of legumes fiber, vitamins P, E, A, C and many B vitamins are contained. Among all other cultures in chick peas, the largest content of methionine is the amino acid necessary for the synthesis of choline, cysteine ​​and adrenaline. This amino acid prevents obesity of the liver, improving its efficiency, normalizes the level of cholesterol and even acts as an antidepressant.

Pea chickpeas contains about 80 nutrients. Selenium, which is present in this pea - prolongs youth, improves brain activity and prevents the onset of cancer. Along with selenium, chickpea contains phosphorus, calcium, potassium, magnesium, manganese, iron, boron and silicon.

Useful properties and contraindications of chickpeas

Regular consumption of chick peas can strengthen the cardiovascular system, improve digestion and normalize blood sugar levels. Barley peas can cure or prevent the development of various skin diseases. It has a beneficial effect on vision, potency and acts as a preventive tool to prevent glaucoma and cataracts.

In chick peas, both soluble and insoluble dietary fibers are present. Soluble fibers remove bile, cholesterol and toxins from the intestine, forming a gel-like mass in the digestive tract. Insoluble fiber contributes to the normal operation of the gastrointestinal tract, provide easier emptying of the intestines, removing from the body all the slags.

The iron that is present in this pea is especially useful for women. When menstruating, pregnancy and breast-feeding, consumed quite a large amount of mineral iron salts. Pea chick stimulates the production of hemoglobin and treats anemia.

Manganese promotes energy increase, strengthens immunity and normalizes the work of the nervous system.

For Vegetarians Peas may become a substitute for protein necessary for the body. Barley pea supplies the body with low-fat protein and amino acid lysine, which is responsible for building muscle mass, restoring tissues, producing antibodies and enzymes. Peas are consumed even by raw food, pre-soaking it in water.

It is necessary to understand that from peas chickpeas can be not only good, but harm. Turkish peas can cause individual intolerance. Since, like all beans, this pea has the property of enhancing gassing in the intestine, it is better to eat it with dill or fennel, which have carminative properties.