Mortal sins - the most terrible sins in Orthodoxy

Deadly sins are actions by which a person moves away from God, addictions that the person does not want to recognize and correct. The Lord, in his great mercy for the human race, forgives mortal sins, if he sees sincere repentance and a firm intention to change addictions. You can receive spiritual salvation through confession and communion in the church .

What is sin?

The word "sin" has Greek roots and in the translation it sounds - a mistake, an incorrect step, an oversight. The commission of sin is a deviation from the true human destiny, it draws the morbid state of the soul, leading to its destruction and deadly disease. In the modern world, man's sins are depicted as a forbidden but attractive way of expressing a personality, which distorts the real essence of the term sin "- an act after which the soul becomes crippled and requires healing - confession.

10 Deadly Sins in Orthodoxy

The list of digressions - sinful deeds, has a long list. The expression of the seven deadly sins, on the basis of which serious fatal passions arise, was formulated in 590 by St Gregory the Great. Passion is the habitual repetition of the same mistakes, forming destructive skills that after a temporary pleasure deliver pain.

The most terrible sins in Orthodoxy are actions after which a person does not repent, but voluntarily departs from God, loses contact with him. Without such support, the soul becomes hard, it loses the ability to experience the spiritual joy of the earthly path and can not posthumously exist next to the creator, can not enter paradise. Repent and confess, get rid of mortal sins - you can change your priorities and preferences, while living in the life of the earth.

Original sin - what is it?

Original sin is a human inclination to commit sinful deeds that arose after Adam and Eve, who was in heaven, succumbed to temptation and committed a sinful fall. The propensity of human will to do bad deeds was transferred from the first inhabitants of the Earth to all people. Being born, a person takes an invisible inheritance - the sinful state of nature.

Sodom sin - what is it?

The wording of the concept of Sodom sin is associated with the name of the ancient city of Sodom. The Sodomites, in search of carnal pleasures, entered into physical relationships with individuals of the same sex, and did not neglect acts of violence and coercion in fornicating. Homosexual relations or sodomy, bestiality are grave sins that stem from fornication, they are shameless and abominable. The inhabitants of Sodom and Gomor, as well as the surrounding cities that lived in debauchery, were punished by the Lord - from heaven they sent fire and rain from the sulfur to exterminate the wicked.

According to God's plan, man and woman were endowed with distinctive mental and bodily features in order to complement each other. They became one, extended the human race. Family relations in marriage, the birth and upbringing of children are a direct duty of every person. Fornication is a carnal sin implying a physical relationship between a man and a woman, without coercion, not backed by a family union. Adultery - is the satisfaction of physical lust with causing damage to the family union.

Meseloim - what is this sin?

Orthodox sins cause the habit of acquiring different things, sometimes quite unnecessary and unimportant - this is called marshelimstvo. The desire to acquire new objects, accumulate many things in the earthly world, enslaves man. The predilection for collecting, the tendency to acquire expensive luxury items is the storage of soulless values ​​that are not useful in the afterlife, but in the terrestrial life take away a lot of money, nerves, time, become the object of love that a person could show towards another person.

Lichoism - what is this sin?

Lichoimism is a way of gaining money or of receiving money due to the infringement of the neighbor, his difficult circumstances, the acquisition of property by deceptive actions and transactions, theft. Human sins are pernicious addictions which, once realized and repenting, can be left in the past, but the rejection of larceny requires the return of the acquired or the squandering of property, which is a difficult step on the road to correction.

Salvation - what is this sin?

The sins of the Bible are described as passions - the habits of human nature to occupy life and thoughts with hobbies that interfere with thinking about God. Ambition is love for money, the desire to possess and preserve earthly riches, it is closely related to greed, stinginess, covetousness, mischief, covetousness. Silver collector collects wealth - wealth. Human relations, career, love and friendship he builds on the principle - profitable or not. It is hard for the ambitious to understand that true values ​​are not measured in money, real feelings are not sold and they can not be bought.

Malakia - what is this sin?

Malakia is a Church Slavonic word meaning a sin of masturbation or masturbation. Masturbation is a sin, the same for women and men. In doing such an act, a person becomes a slave of the prodigal passion, which can grow into other grievous vices - kinds of unnatural fornications, become a habit of indulging impure thoughts. It is indissoluble for the unmarried and widowed to preserve the physical purity and not to defile themselves with destructive passions. If there is no desire to abstain, one must marry.

Despondency is a mortal sin

Despondency is a sin, from which the soul and body weaken, the decline of physical strength, the laziness, and the feeling of spiritual despair and hopelessness come. The desire to work and the wave of hopelessness and negligence is overtaken - an unclear emptiness arises. Depression - a state of despondency, when in the human soul there is an unreasonable longing, there is no desire to do good deeds - to work for the salvation of the soul and help others.

The sin of pride - in what expression?

Pride is a sin that causes a desire to rise, to be recognized in society - an arrogant attitude and contempt for others, based on the importance of one's own personality. The feeling of pride is the loss of simplicity, the cooling of the heart, the lack of compassion for others, the manifestation of strict, uncharitable arguments about the actions of another person. Proudly does not recognize the help of God in the life path, does not feed feelings of gratitude towards those who do good.

Idleness - what is this sin?

Idleness is a sin, a predilection for which a person is unwilling to work, simply saying idleness. From this state of the soul, other passions are born - drunkenness, fornication, condemnation, deceit, etc. Not a worker - an idle person lives at the expense of another, sometimes censuring him about inadequate content, is irritable with an unhealthy dream - he does not get too much rest , granted by fatigue. Envy covers an idle person when he looks at the fruits of a hard worker. It takes desperation and despondency - which is considered to be a grave sin.

Gluttony - what is this sin?

A predilection for food and drink is a sinful desire, called gluttony. This attraction, giving the body power over the spiritual mind. Manifestations of gluttony in several forms - eating, delight in tastes, gourmandering, drunkenness, secret food consumption. Saturation of the womb should not be an important goal, but only a reinforcement of bodily needs - a need that does not limit spiritual freedom.

Deadly sins bring spiritual wounds that lead to suffering. The original illusion of temporary enjoyment develops into a pernicious habit that requires more and more sacrifices, takes away part of the earthly time allocated to man for prayers and good deeds. He becomes a slave of the passionate will, which is unnatural for the natural state and, as a result, causes harm to himself. The opportunity to realize and change their addictions, given to everyone, to conquer passions can be opposed to them by virtue.