Shepherd's bag in gynecology

The effectiveness of using traditional medicine is indisputable, has been repeatedly proven and tested not by one generation. After all, at a time when there were no antibiotics and other modern medicines, women successfully treated with herbs and did not even guess about such diseases that women today face.

You can write off such a disappointing tendency for the incidence of the female reproductive system to a bad ecology and rhythm of life, but we can not ignore the fact that we have forgotten about that priceless treasure donated to us by nature itself. It's about plants that can help a woman cope with many diseases without harming her body. A vivid example of this, the herb shepherd's bag, due to its medicinal properties, can find wide application in gynecology.

Application of a shepherd's bag in gynecology

The shepherd's bag is an annual plant, unpretentious, so it lives everywhere, blooms all summer until late autumn. Has a low stalk up to 50 cm, large white flowers and a fruit in the form of an inverted triangle, which resembles a bag.

All parts of the plant are equally useful, they contain a large amount of vitamin C, alkaloids, microelements, complex organic compounds, oil. But vitamin K is of particular importance, which also determines the main medicinal properties of the grass of the shepherd's bag.

Our forefathers knew that with the help of a shepherd's handbag, many problems can be solved: from menstrual irregularities to stopping bleeding after childbirth .

Let's consider, in more detail at what gynecological diseases this plant can be useful.

  1. Definitely help herb shepherd bags with menstruation, which are characterized by irregular and abundant secretions. With proper application it is possible to normalize the cycle and reduce the amount of blood allocated to a physiological minimum.
  2. You can use this plant after childbirth. It has been scientifically proven that the shepherd's bag is effective in postpartum haemorrhage, especially if the labor was severe, with numerous gaps and irregularities. In addition, that the plant reduces blood loss, it beneficially affects all organs and systems, increasing immunity and providing analgesic effect.
  3. A shepherd's bag with endometriosis is a win-win option. Low cost in the absence of side effects - a worthy alternative to hormonal drugs.

This is not a complete list of diseases that are successfully treated with this unpretentious plant.

The only strict contraindication of a shepherd's bag is its use in pregnancy, it is also not recommended for hemorrhoids, thrombophlebitis and hypercoagulability.