Plaster bark beet for facade

This kind of plaster is one of the ways of decorative finishing of walls both outside and inside the premises. The name received its plaster due to the formation of furrowed surfaces after application.

In structure of plaster bark beet - cement and marble crumb. And the material consumption directly depends on the grain size of this marble crumb itself - the smaller it is, the less consumption, and vice versa.

Pros and cons of facing the facade of the house with decorative plaster bark beetle

Among the merits of such finishing can be called strength, naturalness, environmental friendliness and resistance to mechanical influences. The walls of the house with such a facade are not afraid of temperature changes, they are easy to wash, do not burn out.

Of the minuses - with accidental damage to the plaster site, it will not be possible to restore it on its own, it will be necessary to call a specialist for help.

Which plaster for the facade is better?

Since this mixture for decorative decoration of walls is produced in several forms, it is necessary to be able to determine the choice. So, the plaster for the facade may be plaster and acrylic.

The difference of acrylic plaster - in a more complex application. And to comply with all the subtleties and nuances of this work must be performed exclusively by a professional builder.

In return, you will get a more attractive and rich appearance of the house. Acrylic compositions are sold in ready-made form in buckets. Before applying it, you can choose any color of the color.

Of course, you do not have to mix the paint with the plaster manually, but on a special machine, otherwise you will not be able to achieve full color similarity in several buckets.

Gypsum plaster is produced in dry form. You will have to prepare a mixture of it yourself. But the work to apply it to the walls you fully master yourself.

Finishing of the facade of a private house with plastering bark beetle

Preparation of the solution should be carried out with strict adherence to the instructions attached to the dry mixture. Next, before beginning the application of decorative plaster, you need to prepare the walls - align them and cover with a special primer mix with quartz sand.

Apply bark beetroot plaster with an ordinary metal spatula, pressing it to the surface at an angle of 60 degrees. After that it is necessary to apply strokes with a plastic float. Different in size and configuration, the strokes are obtained by applying a different intensity and direction of grater movements.