Signs of worms in humans

Amazing things happen on Mother Earth. In the courtyard of the 21st century, around computer technology and space projects, in one word - progress taxis. And at the same time next to us, yes, there, right next to some of us, there live creatures that are millions of years old, and no progressive growth of mankind is a hindrance. Who are we talking about? About worms, of course. These parasites, like many centuries ago, imperceptibly make their way into the living body and feed on its juices, poisoning its host with toxic secretions and leading it to a lethal outcome. Br .. But this can be avoided if you carefully monitor your health and know the main signs of the appearance or presence of worms in the body in humans. This is exactly what the conversation will be in today's article.

Where do they come from?

Before talking about the signs of the presence of worms in the body in humans, and the adult, you should study the reasons for their entry there. Knowing these reasons is necessary for everyone, then there will be much less infections. Here they are:

  1. Non-compliance with personal hygiene.
  2. Poorly processed food. It means both hygienic and thermal procedures.
  3. Water from open reservoirs. There are a lot of parasites there.
  4. Contact with domestic and wild animals. Our smaller brothers, unfortunately, very often become carriers of worms and cause contamination of their unreasonable hosts.
  5. Love of traveling to foreign countries and learning about local cuisine.

There are other factors and circumstances that lead to helminth infection, but they are much less common. It is enough to remember these five reasons to protect yourself from these problems. And now we turn to a direct study of the signs of the presence of worms in the body in humans.

Signs of worms in humans in the digestive system

The very first signs of the appearance of worms in adults - a violation of the work in the digestive organs. Large worms, chains and flukes, who like to settle in the liver and small intestine, because of their size, become a barrier to the exit of feces. Which in turn causes constipation. There is also the opposite picture. Small lamblia and the like parasites secret toxic hormone-like substances that cause severe diarrhea. In addition, worms can cause conditions such as flatulence, a constantly irritated bowel and a sharp decrease in body weight. By the way, the last symptom should be alerted in the first place. If you are eating normally, and until now you have not hurt anything, then it's worth thinking about the presence of helminths and taking the necessary tests.

Symptoms of worms in humans in muscles and joints

Imagine, they get there. If suddenly you start twisting your joints and breaking muscles, but neither arthritis, nor myositis, nor trauma is observed - it can indicate signs of the presence of worms in the body.

The presence of allergy, as a sign of the appearance of worms in the body in humans

Yes, and this is also possible. Since all helminths without exception excrete the products of their vital activity. Our body responds to this outrage with a splash of the immune response. Which can manifest itself in the form of various allergies, skin rashes, pigment spots, psoriasis, causeless rhinitis, colds, etc. If until now you have not suffered from such misfortunes, and in your family, none of these diseases were observed, then it is worth turning to a parasitologist.

The cause of anemia can also be worms

And this is not surprising. Small tapeworms feed on blood cells. If there are many of them, then the host will soon develop iron deficiency anemia, which can be cured only after the body cleanses of parasites.

Run away the worms, go and depression

And, finally, one of the frequent signs of the presence of worms in the body in an adult becomes nervous imbalance, increased irritability, insomnia, gnashing of teeth in a dream, a syndrome of chronic fatigue and the like mental disorders. Run away the worms, and everything, as a hand, will remove.

As you can see, there are many signs that there are worms in the body in humans. They masquerade as symptoms of common diseases. However, you should worry about the appearance of helminths only if you do not have these diseases, and in your life there is at least one of the five mentioned causes of infection. Take care of yourself, and be well.