Diseases of the rectum

The doctor, who is most embarrassed to address, is a proctologist. Therefore, common diseases of the rectum are usually diagnosed already in the late stages, when intensive and prolonged treatment is required. This department of the large intestine because of its location is very susceptible to various infections and injuries, which it is better not to ignore, but to consult a specialist when the first symptoms of pathological processes appear.

What are rectum diseases in women?

Frequent diseases of the body under consideration:

Symptoms of rectum disease

For the timely diagnosis of these pathologies, it is important to pay attention to the characteristic signs of diseases of the rectum:

Certain symptoms are observed in accordance with the existing ailment, although in some cases pathologies can occur is hidden. Therefore it is important to visit the proctologist periodically, for prevention.

Treatment of rectum diseases

Therapy of these diseases is individual in each case. Appointments should be performed by a specialist, self-treatment is dangerous, especially in the presence of tumor processes.

The basis of any complex scheme of therapy is the maintenance of a diet that promotes the normalization of stool and digestive processes, the isolation of enzymes and the excretion of bile.