Growth and weight of Eva Longoria

Eva Longoria has graduated from the Department of Kinesiology, so she is well versed in diets and trainings. But not only education, natural data allow it to look great. Eve pays a lot of time in order to keep herself in shape.

Growth, weight and other parameters of the figure of Eva Longoria

The actress has a chiseled silhouette and neat shapes. An elegant figure looks at the expense of the parameters of Eva Longoria:

With a small growth Eva Longoria has volumes not exceeding the standard 90-60-90. That allows her to look slim and even skinny.

Of course, like every woman, the parameters of Eva Longoria's figure sometimes change. For example, in 2011, after a divorce from her husband Tony Parker, she lost her appetite, resulting in a very thin weight of 43 kg. Because of the depression, she did not want to eat, she only drank coffee. Eve recalls that at that time she received a huge number of compliments, but she did not feel her attractiveness. To restore internal harmony and restore the beautiful body to her helped doctors who prescribed elementary vitaminization of the body.

Since then, Eva Longoria has recovered, now she maintains her constant weight.

Diet and training Eva Longoria

The actress carefully follows her diet. She likes fresh vegetables and fruits, prefers lean meat, fish, healthy snacks. She daily consumes fish oil, and sometimes replaces this useful product with a supper. Eva Longoria tries not to consume sugar, but admits that sometimes she simply can not help indulging in forbidden foods, such as chocolate chip cookies, pizza and cheeseburgers. But she allows herself such liberties only 2 times a week. By the way, to avoid delicious temptations, Eva Longoria prepares herself. In general, Eva Longoria is a supporter of diets, but not extreme, but balanced.

Sports actress also pays due attention, despite the fact that a lot of work. Several years, she deals with the same coach three times a week for an hour. Celebrity admits that classes in the gym often cause her boredom, but she does not abandon them, but asks the coach to change the program.

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