Allergy to pollen

Recently, among the population of most countries, cases of various allergic reactions to certain substances have become more frequent. This is caused by the deterioration of the ecological situation and the state of the immune system of modern residents of large cities. The most common at the moment is a pollen allergy to plants, which affects many people.

The allergy to pollen is exclusively seasonal in nature and, as a rule, manifests itself in late spring and early summer, as most of the grasses and trees bloom at this time. Most often there is an allergy to birch and ragweed pollen, but other plants can also cause allergy symptoms . To determine the presence of allergies, you must know its main symptoms.

Symptoms of pollen allergy

When exposed to an allergen, the human body tries to immediately get rid of it, provoking the occurrence of inflammation, swelling, itching and other similar manifestations in various organs.

The easiest manifestation of pollen allergy is a persistent debilitating runny nose or simply the feeling that the nose "water flows." From a common cold, such a common cold is marked by pronounced seasonality of its occurrence and a decrease or even complete disappearance of symptoms after a shower or wash.

In the absence of adequate treatment, allergic rhinitis may eventually move to the next, more severe stage and cause asthma, so it should be immediately addressed to a specialist at the first signs of an allergy. Especially dangerous is a complicated allergic rhinitis for a child's body.

Also, quite often the allergy to pollen is manifested in the form of eye irritation and constant tearing. This condition is called allergic conjunctivitis and requires compulsory treatment, as it can lead to serious inflammation of the eyes and skin around them.

An allergy to pollen of weeds at direct contact with these herbs can be manifested in the form of pronounced urticaria and other dermatitis, as well as excessive itching of the skin. Such manifestations quickly pass, however, if the allergen is constantly exposed, it can cause serious damage to the skin.

How to treat allergy to pollen?

Even literally a few decades ago, the treatment of allergy with special drugs was associated with a high risk of all sorts of side effects. Modern drugs, however, not only effectively relieve allergies, but also do not do any harm to the body.

  1. All kinds of antihistamines and local corticosteroids in the form of nasal sprays and drops help to cope with various manifestations of allergies to pollen of trees and weeds. However, such treatment does not relieve the problem of allergies, which often lies in the malfunctioning of the body's immune system.
  2. To completely get rid of allergies to pollen, treatment should be carried out with using individual specific immunotherapy with small doses of the allergen. Such treatment is very difficult, therefore it should be prescribed only by a highly qualified allergist or clinical immunologist. More or less noticeable results of immunotherapy are manifested not earlier than in a year of taking special drugs, so that a patient with an allergy should tune in for a long period of treatment.

In order not to cause a significant deterioration in the quality of life, in order to avoid a significant deterioration in the quality of life, during the flowering period of the allergen plant, one must strictly observe all the doctor's recommendations, avoid prolonged exposure to flowering plants, and take special preparations that significantly reduce allergy manifestations.