Clinical Fear of Cats

Few people know what is called the clinical phobia of cats, since ailurophobia (phobia of cats) is very rare. In some sources this phobia is also called gatophobia or galophobia.

Causes of clinical fear of cats

Any phobia, including fear of cats, develops in the subconscious, and the impetus for the beginning of this process can serve one or more of the following factors:

Ailurophobia can arise at any age - both in children and adults. And in mature individuals, the phobia of cats is often manifested on the basis of an old, still childish injury, which in adulthood was reinforced by another negative factor. And if at first the phobia can manifest only in slight anxiety, in a later case it can develop into a condition that threatens human life.

Symptoms of phobia in cats

There is a clinical fear of cats in every patient individually. For some, this is only an easy fear, forcing to stay away from this animal. In others, ailurophobia causes a constant horror before the possible appearance of an animal, a meeting with a cat for such a person may result in a panic attack or a fit of suffocation.

Among the symptoms of severe ailurophobia (in the presence of a cat):

According to some reports, some well-known personalities suffered from clinical fear of cats, for example, Adolf Hitler, Napoleon, Julius Caesar, Alexander of Macedon.

Treatment of ailurophobia - fear of cats

With light cases of aylorophobia, people are able to cope on their own or with a little help from psychologists. A more complex form of mental abnormality, like any other phobia , is treated by a psychotherapist using medications (most often sedatives), hypnosis and other techniques.

Adults, if they notice a manifestation of fear of cats in a child, it is recommended to carry out work aimed at eliminating fear. Minimize the risk of ailurophobia in the baby will help a close acquaintance with the non-aggressive cat, interesting information about the psychology of the animal and its history domestication.