Spirea Gray Grefsheim

If in the spring you see a spreading bush strewn with white flowers, like a flying white salute, you can not doubt before you gray spiree (ashy) Grefshem. This original bush blossoms for about a month and a half, having dissolved its small flowers, with a diameter of 1 cm, with yellow centers. They cover the branches so tightly that the gray sprites of Grefsheim look like a bush wrapped in a snow blanket, it is sometimes called "May snow". In height, the bush usually grows up to a half or two meters, and reaches such a height in just a few years after planting.

It must be said that the spirea bush is attractive not only during flowering. Its reddish branches smoothly bend, giving the plant a spherical shape that even without flowers looks interesting, and sharp leaves of grayish color become bright yellow in autumn.

Planting spiraea with sulfur

Planting spiraea with Grefsheim does not involve complications. It is necessary, first, to choose a sunny place, in the shade the plant will develop more slowly, and secondly, take care of the nutrition of the soil. However, the soil of spirea does not have many requirements, it can be any, even alkaline, though acidic, most importantly, not over-dried. It is best to plant Gregsham's spire in the autumn, when there are no leaves on the trees, but the spring planting can be successful if it is produced before the buds blossom.

Propagation of spiraea with gray grefsheym is carried out in three ways - seeds, layers and cuttings. Cuttings spirea gray is the most frequent and easy method. Separate young, but stronger shoots, are divided into fragments of 10 cm, and are planted immediately in the ground or in separate containers. The roots are formed quite quickly - the shoots planted in July are well rooted by autumn. Spirals are propagated in spring, when the leaves have already blossomed. Extreme branches are bent to the ground, fixed and well watered throughout the summer period. By autumn or next spring, the plants are separated.

Care of spiraea

Care for the spirits of gray Grefshem is reduced to the usual and obvious actions - watering, sheltering, and pruning. So, watering for joy to the owners of spirea should not be regular, it is only necessary during the drought period, when the soil dries out excessively, which is critical for a snowy beauty. To shelter, too, is not always necessary, since spirea gray Grefsheim is a frost-resistant plant. But one of its features is the fear of sudden temperature changes. Therefore, for prevention, you can still cover the plant, lay a thick layer of leaves at the roots.

An important part of caring for the spirits of gray Grefsheim is pruning. Spiraea is easy to be cut, so it can be given any shape. Also pruning promotes abundant flowering of the plant next year. Crop the gray spiraea in the summer after flowering. Young shoots cut off the faded shoots to strong buds, and get rid of weak shoots altogether. In adult plants remove a quarter of the shoots from the base, the remaining shoots shorten.

Spirea gray in landscape design

Spirea Grefsheym, planting and caring for which does not require special virtuosity, can be an excellent find for landscape design. It can serve as a decorative hedge on a site that, in addition to aesthetic pleasure, will perform the function of dust protection. The original site can be a site on which different varieties of spirea will be combined. Perfectly complement the snow-white spring blossom spiral Grefshem spiraea Japanese, blooming in summer with bright pink or red inflorescences. Very well spiraea feels in a group of other plants in mixborders . With such a planting, your patch will be framed with flowers all season!