Head injury

Even the slightest damage to the head can lead to irreversible consequences. A head injury is the most common type of injury of this part of the body. It is characterized by tissue damage, which, as a result of the fall, is pressed against the bones.

Head injury-symptoms

The manifestation of the injury will depend on the extent and location of the injury:

  1. A slight bruise of the soft tissues of the head proceeds with internal hemorrhage and pain syndrome. After a couple of hours the pain subsides, and the affected area forms a hematoma. The patient feels drowsy, doubling in the eyes sometimes loses consciousness.
  2. In case of injury to the bones of the skull, the patient may be disturbed by vomiting, dizziness, nosebleeds. These signs indicate the severity of the bruise, but do not allow a final diagnosis.
  3. If, as a result of the impact, the occipital part is damaged, the visual acuity may worsen. Symptoms of such a bruise include loss of consciousness and weakness in the legs and hands, indicating a concussion.

Bruising of the occipital part of the head - consequences

Injury of this part of the head can lead to negative consequences. It is necessary, with any minor fall, to contact the doctor and undergo an appropriate examination. In the absence of treatment, the patient has the following consequences:

What to do with a head injury?

Any person who has appeared nearby can help the victim. The help can consist in the following:

  1. With mild contusion, a cold compress is applied to the patient. However, to keep ice longer than fifteen minutes in one part of the head should not be, it is necessary to take breaks.
  2. The victim must be taken home, to ensure his peace and to monitor his condition. As it is possible dizziness and muscle weakness, it is better not to go out into the street.
  3. From taking analgesics should be abandoned, because they can further complicate the diagnosis of injury.
  4. If the victim has experienced a severe injury, the first thing to do is contact a traumatologist, since the probability of a skull fracture is not ruled out.

Head injury in case of a fall - treatment

With minor injuries that do not cause concussion, you can lubricate the affected area with such drugs:

In the event that a dangerous diagnosis has been confirmed, the treatment is carried out at an ambulatory rate with the first degree of concussion, while others prescribe inpatient treatment.

Cope with the resulting head injury as a cone can be folk methods of treatment:

  1. In the first hours, cold is applied to the damaged area.
  2. The next day they switch to warming up the cones, applying warm compresses. It can be a boiled egg or heated salt.
  3. A good healing property is possessed by thyme leaves. They are applied to the affected area.
  4. You can get rid of cones with the help of such pharmaceutical products as troxevasin and heparin ointment.

It is important to follow all the recommendations of a specialist. To accelerate the healing advised to walk in the fresh air, to comply with the regime, to give up intensive physical exercises for at least a month, as less as possible spend time at the computer and the TV screen.