The seedling of tomatoes turns yellow, what to do - how to find out the cause and quickly correct the problem?

It is important for beginners to understand why the tomato seedling turns yellow, what to do in order to correct the situation and prevent it. There is a certain list of factors that can provoke this problem. Coping with yellowness can be fertilizers and folk techniques.

The tomato seedlings turn yellow - what should I do?

If a problem was found, then attempts should be made to cope with it, as well as take into account recommendations for its prevention.

  1. If overdone with watering, it is better to extract the seedlings and assess the condition of the roots. After the transplant is carried out in the nutritional composition.
  2. It is recommended to keep the air temperature within 23-26 ° C.
  3. If the tomato turns yellow, it is better to immediately use a complex supplement, but only if it's not about acidity and excessive moisturizing.
  4. When the seedlings are pierced and there are too many of them, then it is better to divide or dilute and provide the necessary light.

Yellow leaves in tomato seedlings - reasons

With improper care and creation of unfavorable conditions for cultivation, the seedlings can turn yellow, and after that they can completely die. It is important to understand provoking factors in order to eradicate them. If you are wondering why the leaves turn yellow at seedlings of tomatoes, then pay attention to the main factors:

  1. Earth. It is important to use fertile soil and it is better to buy it in the store. Unsuitable land, for example, garden, and even heavy and acid soils.
  2. Watering. For seedlings of tomatoes, uniform and moderate watering is important. Describing what to do, if the seedlings have turned yellow, you should know that you can not pour the planting and dry the soil.
  3. Top dressing. Leaves turn yellow due to a lack or excess of nitrogen. If the color changes only the tips of the leaves, then this indicates a lack of potassium.
  4. Lighting. Describing why tomato seedlings turn yellow and what to do, you should not overlook this cause, so for this culture it is important that the light day last at least 12 hours.

Why does the seedling turn yellow after picking?

The picking process is a real stress for plants, so often after it is carried out, the seedlings begin to turn yellow and fade. The problem can arise if during the procedure the plants were injured or the picking was carried out very early. If, after diving the seedlings, the tomato leaves turn yellow, then note that for the procedure, fertile soil is taken, in which there should not be a lot of peat or an insufficient amount of nitrogen or potassium. The reasons can be associated with improper irrigation and various diseases.

Yellow plaque on the ground in seedlings

The crust of yellowish color on the surface of the earth is saline, but provokes its predominance of evaporation of water from the soil. This can be caused by the following reasons:

  1. Heavy mechanical composition of the soil, which provokes its capillarity.
  2. Absence of drainage or holes in the bottom of the pot, which leads to increased evaporation of moisture from the surface of the earth.
  3. Yellow coating on the soil for seedlings of tomatoes can be caused by mistakes in irrigation, the introduction of a large number of fertilizers. In addition, the cause can be caused by too much capacity, and even by dry air and too hard water.

The seedlings of tomatoes turn yellow - how to feed them?

If fertile soil was used for planting seeds, then fertilizer should not be applied. After the seedlings are transferred to the open ground, it is important to have a feed in a week and repeat it in two weeks. It is important to know if seedlings turn yellow, than to feed tomatoes to save seedlings:

  1. Urea. Fertilizer is important for plant greenery, because it contains more than 45% of nitrogen. Describing what to do if the seedling turns yellow, it is worth considering that urea is brought in after sprouting, and then every 14-20 days. To prepare the solution in a bucket, place 20-30 g of urea.
  2. Manganese. A remedy that helps to fill a deficiency of manganese is used as a foliar spray every 10 days during the growing season. Use only lightly pink solution.
  3. Ash. One of the most proven means, which should pay attention to those who are interested in what to do if the seedling turns yellow - wood ash. In these additives there are several important elements. To make a fertilizer in a bucket of water, put 1 tbsp. ash. You can use it for irrigation and for spraying.

Tomato seedlings turn yellow - what to do, folk remedies

Since in most cases the reason for the yellowing of the seedlings is the lack of nitrogen, one can use one of the popular folk remedies - to carry out feeding with yeast , and it does not matter whether dry or pressed. If the yellow leaves are in tomato seedlings, then prepare this solution by mixing 10 liters of water and 100 g of dry yeast (take 200 g of pressed yeast per 1 liter of water), and put a couple of large spoons of sugar. After that, everything is insisted 22-3 hours, and then it should be watered the seedlings under the root, pouring 0.5 st. under the plant.