How to cook a kebab?

Currently, the lulia-kebab dish is very common in different countries and culinary traditions of different peoples living in the long territory from the Balkans to Iran. Lula-kebab is a wonderful dish for a picnic, an excellent alternative to traditional shish kebabs. How to cook a kebab? It is an oblong cutlet from finely chopped lamb meat with chopped onion, fried on a skewer, in the classical version - on a grill, although options are possible, for example, frying in a frying pan on wet wooden skewers. In principle, in urban conditions, you can cook lyulya-kebab in the oven, but it is better to cook on the grill.

What are kebabs made of?

It is possible to prepare lyulya-kebab from meat of various animals and birds and even from pork, impossible for countries with Muslim culinary traditions. They use beef, veal, goat, horse meat, osliatin, wild antelope and deer meat. You can also mix different kinds of meat and poultry. From birds it is good to use a turkey, it is possible to prepare and chicken lulya-kebab. In modern conditions, it is advisable to prepare lyulya-kebab from minced meat, it is not necessary to cut the meat manually.

Lulya-kebab: a variant of the classic



The pulp of lamb must be cleaned of films and tendons, rinsed and dried with a clean linen napkin. Next, meat, fattened fat and peeled onions should be ground in one way or another: it can be traditional - finely chop manually with a heavy sharp knife on the board. It is more convenient, of course, to use a meat grinder or a chopper. Be sure to carefully mince the minced meat (for at least 10 minutes) to make it viscous and elastic (otherwise kebabs will fall apart). Then you have to thoroughly mince the stuffing with your hands. Now season the mince with dry spices, chopped herbs, squeezed lemon juice. Sasalm, once again carefully mixed. Bread and eggs do not add! It should be noted that the addition of chicken meat improves the texture of the stuffing, making it more convenient for the preparation of kebabs. In addition, the combination of lamb with chicken is quite harmonious and does not contradict the religious and food traditions of different peoples. You can re-skip minced meat through a meat grinder to improve the texture. Next, you need to place the mince in a cool place for at least an hour at 2. After this time, stir the forcemeat again and with wet hands, we make out of the forcemeat the long oblong, tapering long cutlets and gently string them on the wet skewers. Carefully reduce (equalize) the minced meat on the edges of the cutlets.

How to fry kebab lulya?

In the classical version, the lub-kebab should be fried (or baked) on the grill over hot coals until an appetizing crust of golden brown color forms. You need to turn the skewers more often. We pierce the lub-kebab with a pointed match or a toothpick - if transparent aromatic juice is allocated, then the lyulya-kebab is ready. Ready lyulya-kebab must be immediately removed from the fire, otherwise the meat can overdry, become stiff and unpleasant to the taste.

How to serve kebabs?

Carefully remove the kebabs from the skewers with a fork and lay out on plates. Lula-kebab is served to the table hot with pita bread or cakes, greens, onion rings or with onion, simple vegetable salads and various spicy sauces, the choice, of course, depends on national traditions or personal preferences. Tomato sauces, Caucasian sauces made of cherry plums (such as tkemali) and many others are well suited. You can serve canned green peas and table grape wine, preferably red.