Socks with sandals

The theme of combining socks with open shoes has long been discussed in the fashion world. According to most critics and stylists, this question is as rhetorical as the dispute, whether it is possible to wipe the nose on the curtains. However, the debate about the relevance of socks with sandals does not cease to be conducted from year to year.

Before I figure out if socks with sandals are worn, I'd like to say a few words about where this style came from in images. It's clear to all that such a mauve did not come from the catwalks, although today some creative artists occasionally present such a combination in their shows. But still the fashion of wearing socks with sandals came to us from men. Representatives of the strong half see unlimited convenience in such images. In fact in this case footwear will not rub on hundred percent. In addition, the feet are not dirty, the skin is breathing, the defects of the nails, trampled heels and any other flaws on the legs are hidden. However, to a greater extent, such reasons for using socks under sandals are a product of laziness and ill-thought. After all, quality shoes, which are chosen in size and in accordance with the features of the foot and gait, will never rub your foot. And the belief that socks are easier to wash than wash their feet and put them in order - just stupid and a sign of sloppiness.

Can I wear socks with sandals?

As for the question, do they wear socks with sandals? The answer is simple - never. This combination is only a sign of bad taste. But why are there personalities who prefer this in the image? Everything is simple - after all, there are always exceptions in all rules, and there are always those who like to violate the rules. Perhaps, women of fashion in this way try to attract attention or emphasize individuality. But, believe me, besides the demonstration of bad taste and lack of sense of style, such girls do not achieve anything anymore. Nevertheless, as the saying goes, our business is to convey information, and whether it will be applicable in practice is a personal matter for everyone.