How can I tie scarves?

Scarf - this is exactly the accessory with which you can slightly refresh your wardrobe, give it a twist, or even radically change your image. It all depends on what kind of scarf you choose.

There are a lot of ways to tie a scarf. In this article, we will focus on the simplest and most effective ways of how to tie a scarf.

How to tie a long scarf ?

A long scarf can be tied, twisting once around the neck, and leaving the edges hanging, or one of the ends to be pulled upward.

Another way to tie a long scarf - wrapped around the neck once or twice, while leaving the edge on his chest. Next, the free ends of the scarf knit in a knot, and hide them under it.

We take a long scarf, throw it over the neck (the ends remain in front), cross the free edges, let the lower end of the scarf into the formed loop - and get an interesting knot.

How to tie a knitted scarf?

Fold the knitted scarf in half and throw it over the neck. We put the loose ends into the formed loop, and tighten a little. Such a simple node looks very stylish.

To beautifully tie a thin scarf, stole or a scarf, you can use the French knot: fold a scarf or scarf, starting with an acute angle so that a narrow rectangle is obtained. Then we wrap around the neck several times, and tie it to the right, left or front. And if the scarf is rather long, then you can tie a flirty bow from its edges.

Also, you can tie a scarf with a so-called "square" knot. Fold the scarf in the same way as in the previous method. We throw it over the neck, so that one edge is shorter than the other. Cross the edges, and stretch the long end into the formed loop. The ends can be hidden under the clothes.