How to make a bar yourself?

Bar counter - a stylish piece of interior, creating a cozy and comfortable in the room. Consider how to make a bar stand with your own hands for a house made of wood , without incurring any special financial and time losses.

Making a bar with our own hands

To do this, you will need:

  1. The manufacture of the bar with your own hands begins with the drawing up and purchase of materials. Blanks are cut to the size of the drawing with the help of joiner tools. The finished billets are assembled in a tall box using self-tapping screws. In this example, the bar counter is mobile, is moved and can not be attached to walls or floors.
  2. On the bottom of the structure are attached wheels.
  3. The front part of the product is assembled. A cut-out pattern is cut out on the front surfaces. The frame has the form of a table with a high front edge.
  4. Decorative elements are hung on external screws.
  5. After creating the power frame, you can proceed to install the countertop. You can buy ready in the construction shop. On the counter there are vertical slats that are inserted into the groove of the rack. Reiki table tops are attached to the frame with screws. All elements of the rack are varnished. The bar is ready.

Home bar counters, made by themselves, are inexpensive and provide an opportunity to differentiate the space in the room. With its help you can separate the zones for the reception of guests from the place of cooking. The creation of such a stand in the interior is becoming more popular and more popular.