Kanye West scoffed at the show of his new collection of clothes

Kanye West, re-qualified from rapper to fashion designer, does not part with the dream of conquering fashionable Olympus. However, with each new collection it becomes more and more like a mirage. The other day, 39-year-old Kanye presented his latest work Yeezy Season 4, which was called "shameful" and "disgusting."

Unreasoned organization

The Kanye West show was held in the open air on the island of Roosevelt near an abandoned hospital. Demonstration of clothes was postponed for several hours because of the verification of tickets: the entrance to the territory was too narrow, which complicated the admission of spectators.

The street was very hot, the models and many guests had to be under the scorching sun. At the same time, the organizers did not take care of enough water for all. Those present were exhausted with thirst. As a result, doctors had to bring to life the models who fainted.

Husband Kim Kardashian decided to save money on the compulsory entertainment of spectators and the musical accompaniment of the defile, which passed in complete silence.

Scandalous selection

It is worth noting that the show did not work out yet with casting models. Kanye West was accused of racism, because he selected to show "multiracial" girls - not white, not black.

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The above troubles did not bother the musician, he was cheerful and smiling, feeling the support of his wife, who was sitting in the front row with her sisters Kylie, accompanied by a boyfriend, and Kendall.