Salad with chicken and rice

Nourishing salads do not have to be high in calories and bathe in a fat dressing from mayonnaise, just simply picking up the ingredients you use and the prepared dish will not only satisfy the hunger for a long time, but also benefit the body. One of the hearty and simultaneously healthy snacks is a salad with chicken and rice. Easy to prepare, it is ideal for transportation, and therefore will fit as a lunch at work.

Chicken salad with nuts and rice



Chicken fillet boil in salted water or bake in the oven until ready. Ready meat is cooled and cut into cubes, then mixed with wild rice, thin rings of lettuce, roasted nuts, cranberries and fresh parsley.

In a small jar we prepare a dressing from butter, lemon juice, bite and sugar. Thoroughly shake the contents of the jar to turn it into an emulsion, then add salt and pepper to taste. We fill the salad dressing and serve it to the table. If before serving give a salad to stand in the refrigerator for a couple of hours, then its taste will please you even more.

Recipe for salad "Royal" with chicken and rice



Chicken fillet boil in salted water, after which we disassemble the meat into fibers. Hard cheese rubbed on a large grater. Grapes mine and cut in half, the bones, if any, are removed. Celery cut into small cubes. Mix the prepared ingredients with rice in a salad bowl.

To refuel yogurt beat with olive oil until homogeneity, add a bit of mustard, salt with pepper to taste and chopped dill. Add a note of freshness to the dressing will help lemon peel. We fill the salad with chicken, rice and cheese with the resulting sauce and immediately served to the table.

Salad with chicken, rice and oranges


For chicken:

For salad:

For refueling:


Chicken fillet marinated in a mixture of orange juice, balsamic vinegar, tomato paste, honey, butter and cumin. Do not forget about salt and pepper, they should be added to taste. Before pouring the chicken marinade, all the ingredients are mixed and heated until boiling. A quarter of the marinade is left for lubrication during cooking, and the rest is poured onto the chicken. Fry the chickens in olive oil until cooked. We give the fillet to rest for 5 minutes, after which we cut it with straw.

We fill the rice with broth and cook on low heat for 30-40 minutes. All other ingredients for the salad are cut arbitrarily. Ingredients for filling whisk to homogeneity with a blender. We put all the prepared ingredients in a bowl, without stirring and pouring the finished dressing from above. Sprinkle the dish with a fete.