DTP vaccination

DTP (adsorbed pertussis-diphtheria-tetanus vaccine) is a combination vaccine, the action of which is directed against three infections: diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus. Children are being vaccinated against these dangerous diseases at the age of three months. To develop immunity, a triple injection of DTP vaccine is necessary. Inoculations against these diseases are carried out practically in all countries of our planet. Nevertheless, DPT vaccination is considered the most dangerous in the world because of the high percentage of side effects and complications, as well as the large number of allergic reactions in children.

What protects DTP?

Pertussis, diphtheria and tetanus are dangerous infectious diseases that can lead to serious consequences for the human body. Children especially suffer from these diseases. Mortality from diphtheria reaches 25%, from tetanus - 90%. Even if the disease could be defeated, the consequences from them can remain for life - a chronic cough, a malfunction of the respiratory and nervous system.

What is the DTP vaccine?

DTP is a domestic vaccine that is administered to children under the age of 4 years. For revaccination after 4 years often use foreign drugs, which are officially registered in our country - infrarix and tetracock. DTP and tetracock are similar in composition - they consist of killed cells of infectious agents. These vaccines are also called whole-cell vaccines. Infanrix differs from DTP in that it is an acellular vaccine. The composition of this vaccine includes small particles of pertussis microorganisms and diphtheria and tetanus toxoid. Infanix causes a less violent reaction of the body than DTP and tetracock, and causes fewer complications.

When is it necessary to get a DPT vaccine?

There is a schedule of vaccinations, which adhere to the doctors of our country. The first dose of DPT is given to children at the age of 3 months, the next - at 6 months. At the age of 18 months, the child needs another DTP vaccination. Only after a three-time vaccination in children immunity against diseases is developed. If the first DTP vaccine is given to a child not in 3 months, but later, the interval between the first two vaccinations is reduced to 1.5 months, and the revaccination is carried out 12 months after the first vaccination. The next revaccination is carried out only against tetanus and diphtheria at 7 and 14 years old.

How does the vaccination work?

The DTP vaccine is given intramuscularly. Until 1.5 years, the vaccine is injected into the hip, children older - in the shoulder. All preparations are a turbid liquid, which is shaken thoroughly before administration. If there are lumps or flakes in the capsule that do not dissolve, then such a vaccine can not be administered.

Response to DTP vaccination

After the introduction of DPT vaccination, the child may receive a response. The reaction is local and general. The local reaction manifests itself in the form of redness and seals at the site of the injection. The general reaction can be expressed by fever and malaise. If after the DPT vaccination the child's body temperature rose to 40 degrees, then the vaccine should be discontinued and other drugs, such as pentaxim (French vaccine), should be used. Virtually all complications after DPT vaccination are noticeable in the first few hours after vaccination. Any complications after DPT are associated with the individual characteristics of the child's body. To dangerous consequences after DPT include a sharp increase in temperature, nervous system disorders, developmental lag.

If your child has a negative reaction to the drug, see a doctor immediately.


Vaccination of DTP is contraindicated in children with changes in the nervous system, kidney disease, heart disease, liver, as well as those suffering from infectious diseases.