Is angina invulnerable?

Tonsillitis is considered one of the most common diseases in the world. It affects representatives of both sexes, all age and social groups, often leads to unpleasant consequences and the development of respiratory pathologies. Therefore people are interested in whether sore throat is contagious and in what ways it is transmitted. Knowing such features of tonsillitis, you can prevent infection or take care of effective prevention in advance.

Infectious angina for others?

The described inflammatory pathology refers to infectious diseases, respectively, has a high degree of contagiousness (infectiousness).

There is an opinion that tonsillitis occurs exclusively in those people who are predisposed to it since childhood, have weakened immunity or are susceptible to various factors provoking angina. These circumstances do play a role in the development of pathology, but pathogens and microorganisms - viruses, bacteria and fungi - are pathogens. They are able to be transmitted from a sick person to a healthy variety of ways, so tonsillitis is certainly a very contagious disease. Sometimes it can acquire epidemic significance, for example, in small groups cooperating within confined spaces.

Is catarrhal sinusitis present?

The considered form of tonsillitis refers to the easiest variants of the course of pathology. Only the surface zone of the tonsils inflames, purulent processes are absent. If the treatment of catarrhalic tonsillitis is started in time, it is easy to prevent its progression and transition to other types of the disease.

Despite the ease of treatment and mild symptoms, the type of tonsillitis presented is also very contagious, especially in situations where the virus is the causative agent of inflammatory processes. Such a sore throat is transmitted by airborne droplets, for example, when coughing. Cases of everyday contagiousness of catarrhal tonsillitis are known. As a rule, they arise when living together with a sick person, using common household items, utensils.

Is lacunar angina?

This type of disease is a logical continuation of neglected catarrhal tonsillitis. It is characterized by the defeat of viruses, bacteria or fungi of the lacunae of the tonsils. They form a grayish-white or yellow loose plaque, which can be easily removed. Mucous membranes lacunae still remain intact, but putrefactive processes begin to spread to neighboring healthy tissues.

The described sore throat is contagious, and it is transmitted faster and easier than catarrhal. The matter is that in a forming raid the pathogenic cells with high parameters of contagiousness and in the big concentration accumulate. When coughing, they settle on objects and can remain viable for a long time.

Is purulent follicular angina contaminated?

Lacunar tonsillitis progresses rapidly and often passes into the follicular form. For it, the damage to the mucous membranes of the tonsils, the formation in them of numerous small vesicles with purulent contents is peculiar. Follicles burst independently, impregnating saliva with pathogenic compounds. They are released in high concentrations into the environment even when the patient is breathing.

Thus, follicular purulent angina is the most contagious disease transmitted by airborne, domestic and contact methods. Pathogens can exist for a long time without a carrier, withstanding high and low temperatures.