Tablets for improving immunity

If a person suffers from infectious diseases more often than 6-8 times a year, one can assume that his immune system does not work well enough. In most cases, to correct the situation, it is enough to use standard methods of influence - correction of lifestyle, diet, intake of vitamin and mineral complexes. But sometimes the problem is much more serious, it requires the use of medications.

There are different pills to improve immunity, based on natural and artificial ingredients. In any case, their use must be agreed with the doctor.

What are pills to improve immunity in adults?

The current classification of the medicines in question is as follows:

How to drink tablets to improve immunity in each case should be decided by a specialist, after studying the results of a laboratory blood test for immune status. At weak infringements of work of a protective system of an organism reception of natural stimulators which operate softly is enough. If there are severe immune pathologies with the appearance of clearly expressed symptoms, an emergency correction of immunity is required, presupposing the use of potent prescription drugs.

List of effective tablets for improving immunity

Among drugs based on natural and biogenic active ingredients, the following drugs are recommended:

Bacterial immunostimulants:

Medicines with nucleic acids:


Immunoregulatory peptides or preparations of thymus gland, thymus:

Nonspecific synthetic and mixed stimulants of the immune system: