Tomato "Chelnok"

Breeders of many countries tirelessly bring out all new varieties and hybrids of tomatoes, and every year on the shelves of their names appear. However, there are not many varieties that really are trustworthy. Among such varieties, which are favorites for everyone, you can call tomato "Chelnok". This popular variety was bred in 1997 by Russian breeders and is intended for cultivation in the climate of Ukraine, Moldova and Russia. Especially this variety is loved by Siberians, since it is very resistant to sharp temperature changes.

Characteristics of tomato "Chelnok"

The description of tomato fruit "Chelnok" is quite common, and it is easy to recognize them - they are fleshy, slightly elongated, with a smooth and dense skin, with a slightly convex tip. They have excellent taste qualities both fresh and canned. Outwardly, the fruit resembles a bit of De-Barao , but the "Chelnok" is more mild and thanks to this, it transports transportation remarkably. You can safely fill them with large and deep containers, without worrying that on the way the tomatoes will lose their marketable appearance.

For housewives who like to preserve vegetables in a small container, this grade is a real discovery: these small neat tomatoes can easily be placed even in liter jars. They look beautiful on the winter table, because they have a dense peel, which prevents cracking. Fresh tomato "Chelnok" is as good as in canned, although slightly inferior in taste to large-fruited tomatoes.

Tomato variety "Chelnok" is determinant - early ripening, and its bush has a small size within 40-50 cm. Although the speed of fruit ripening is significantly influenced by the climate of the locality where the tomato grows and the weather conditions during its maturing. This kind of tomatoes is better for growing outdoors, where it maximally shows the quality inherent in it by breeders.

The good news for those who first purchased the tomato of this variety will be the fact that the "Chelnok" does not need pasynkovanie and garter, and accordingly, the work in the garden will be reduced. The bush grows branched, on a short, sturdy stem, there are few leaves on it.

The variety has good cold resistance, it tolerates low temperatures both during the growing season and in autumn, at the end of fruiting.

Another plus in favor of this variety is its high resistance to various diseases, and in particular to late blight , the most terrible enemy of tomatoes.

Growing tomatoes "Chelnok"

Seeding of seeds of early-ripening varieties of tomatoes is carried out from the beginning to the middle of March for seedling at home. Also, the seeds can be sown in late May - early June in the open ground. In this case the seedlings will be more healthy and hardened.

The yield of tomato "Chelnok" is beyond praise. The bush blooms profusely and binds the fruit until the frost. And although the size of tomatoes are not large - an average of not more than 60 grams, there are a lot of them on the bush. With one square meter of soil with proper agrotechnics, you can remove up to 8 kg of tomatoes.

The first crop can be harvested at the end of July. On average, from 80 to 120 days from the time of the first shoots to the onset of aging.

Everyone knows Michurin's saying that the harvest of any culture directly depends on the right choice of variety. But, even if you buy a vaunted ostensibly fruitful variety and do not perform watering and fertilizing on time, do not loosen the soil, then you are unlikely to grow a good harvest for the envy of neighbors in the country. This also applies to the description of the "Chelnok" tomatoes. Only if with a soul approach to the cultivation of garden crops, they will please you with their abundance.