Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez took a walk at the wedding of the father of the singer in Jamaica

Recently, Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez rarely appeared together in public, forcing fans of their couple to worry. The Western media satisfied the desire of the curious, having published many photos of doves from Jamaica.

Family celebration

The other day it became known that 23-year-old Justin Bieber and 25-year-old Selena Gomez together went to Jamaica to attend the wedding of Justin's father.

42-year-old Jeremy Jack Bieber and his girlfriend 29-year-old Chelsea Rebelo have decided to bind themselves by marriage.

The bride and groom (father and stepmother Justin Bieber)

Jeremy has known Selene for a long time and always treated her warmly, so the question of her presence at the family holiday after reuniting with Justin was not even discussed, the insider told.

As newlyweds

On Sunday, a pre-wedding party was held on the Montego Bay beach. While other guests sipped cocktails and lain on deckchairs, Justin and Selena could not tear themselves apart from each other, without restraining romantic impulses.

Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber in Jamaica

Oh, this wedding!

On Monday, in the presence of 30 people, a closed wedding ceremony was held in the backyard of the villa. Selena looked stunning in a peach dress with a tropical scent. Justin's festive bow consisted of a white shirt, coral-pink shorts and butterflies.

Justin Bieber at his father's wedding
Selena Gomez at the wedding of Justin Bieber's father

Judging from the photo report of the paparazzi, the holiday was a success - not only young, but all present were comfortable and fun.

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After the festivities, Bieber and Gomez do not rush home and decided to continue their vacation in the Caribbean.