Aphids in cherry - how to fight?

What can be more beautiful than blooming cherry? Covered with a white cap of flowers, the trees exude an intoxicating aroma and delight the eyes of the gardener who is already looking forward to harvesting a rich harvest.

And, suddenly, from somewhere appear whole colonies of small black insects, which simply stuck to themselves branches and young shoots. They drink tree juices, they destroy leaves. Small black pests up to 2.5 millimeters in size lay eggs on young shoots and buds of trees. It's a black aphid. It multiplies menacingly fast - 14 generations per season. The leaves turn black and wither. On the damaged trees, the sooty fungus begins to develop, which feeds on the sticky excrement of aphids. Here, without human intervention, the tree can not cope.

Black aphid on cherry is a dioecious species of pest. Perfectly multiplies on such a weed as a lady. Fly winged birds fly over it.

What to do if there was aphid on cherry, how to deal with this scourge?

Some gardeners do not pay enough attention to the fight against aphids, considering it not dangerous. It's a delusion. Aphids will so weaken your trees that next year, if weakened plants do not die in winter, the crop may not be nearly there.

Here is such an insidious pest - cherry aphids, it is necessary to fight against it in several directions at once.

Fighting aphids on a cherry is:

How to spray cherries from aphids?

If the aphids are still on so much, and for the prevention, it is very good to spray the trees with infusion of garlic or onion, red pepper, tobacco dust, celandine. Also, aphids are afraid of plants such as dandelion and yarrow.

If you can find wood ash , then use it to infuse and destroy aphids.

Here are some recipes for cooking:

Infusion of garlic or onion

For 5 liters of water, you need to take 150 g of finely ground raw materials and 20 g of soap. Spray the affected trees three times with a break of 10 days.

Infusion of wood ash

Sift 300 g of wood ash, diluting with water, and boil for 30 minutes. Before sprinkling add 10 liters of water. Spray every 10 days, at least three times.

Black cherry aphids are afraid of the neighborhood of certain plant species, such as thyme, carrots, parsley.

It is useful to plant spicy greens around the trees. On the stems of spicy plants love to winter ladybugs. In this way, you will increase the number of these beneficial insects in your garden. And since the ladybugs feed on aphids, these pests will become much less.

If pests have time to multiply and seriously threaten the tree, it is impossible to do without pesticides.

How to treat the cherry from aphids is recommended in this case?

Gardeners recommend such tools as:

Remember that the fight against black cherry aphids using pesticides should be carried out 20 days before harvest, a minimum. It is better to choose an evening time for this work, it is desirable that there was no wind.

Be serious about fighting black aphids, and your cherry trees will pay you for caring for a plentiful harvest of berries.