How to dilute Dimexide for compress?

For more than a decade, Dimexid has been actively used in healing various ailments (it is also called dimethylsulfoxide). This medication is concentrate. This product is transparent, has a not very pleasant smell. It is characterized by painkiller, anti-inflammatory, and also antiseptic actions. However, in pure form, dimethyl sulfoxide is not used, since it can cause burns to the skin and mucous membranes. Therefore it is important to know how to grow Dimexide for compress.

How correctly to dilute Dimexide for a compress?

This medication is used exclusively for external manipulation. Internal use of the drug is prohibited: it is a potent poison. If you get inside at least a drop of Dimethyl Sulfoxide, there is a strong nausea, accompanied by vomiting. In addition, when taken internally, the drug increases the toxicity of concomitant medications.

Dimethyl sulfoxide (even in very dilute form) passes well through the skin. He can also transport other medicines, which at times increases their effectiveness. Often this solution is used in conjunction with hormonal and antibacterial agents, as well as heparin.

Treatment with the help of this medication is prescribed in such cases:

Depending on the sensitivity threshold of the patient and the peculiarity of the disease, a solution with a specific gravity of 30-50% of the basic substance can be administered. When the compress is done on the face, dilute with Dimexide so that the concentration of the drug does not exceed 20%.

But in each specific situation the concentration of the medicinal product used is different:

For arthrosis, Dimexide for compress should be diluted in a ratio of 1: 4 - 1: 2. It is better for these purposes to use cooled boiled or distilled water. If a solution is prepared for the compress on the knee, Dimexide is recommended to dilute in a proportion of 1 to 2. And to increase the medicinal properties of the drug, it is recommended to enrich it with novocaine.

To obtain a 10% solution, take 2 ml of Dimethyl Sulfoxide and 18 ml of water.

20% medication is obtained from 2 ml of the preparation and 8 ml of diluent. To get a 25% remedy, you need 6 ml of diluent and 2 ml of Dimethyl Sulfoxide.

A concentration of 30% is obtained from 6 ml of the preparation and 14 ml of diluent. A 40% solution will come from 6 ml of diluent and 4 ml of Dimethyl Sulfoxide. If you dilute Dimexide for compresses for joints, 7 ml of the preparation of water should be taken as much.

The duration of therapy ranges from 1.5 to 2 weeks. Each case is individual, therefore only the doctor can determine the optimal duration.

Contraindications to the administration of Dimexide

Even knowing how to properly dilute Dimexide for a compress, for example, from a cough, this treatment is not always acceptable. There are a number of contraindications, and here are some of them:

And even those who are not at risk, you need to be cautious about the treatment with this drug. Self-treatment is extremely dangerous! Therefore, it is not enough just to know how to dilute Dimexide for a compress on a lymph node, you still need to be sure that this healing does not hurt.