How to treat a cold quickly at home?

By the word "cold" is meant several pathological conditions. Most often this is hypothermia, infection with the virus and exacerbation of herpes, manifested as small watery pimples on the lips. But regardless of what is meant, every person wants to know how to treat a cold at home quickly or in one day, without losing efficiency and without being distracted from the usual rhythm of life.

How fast can I treat colds with pills?

When hypothermia, especially serious symptoms are absent, there is only an ache in the body, weakness, headache and drowsiness, possibly a slight increase in body temperature and chills.

In such cases, it is important to completely restore thermoregulation and metabolic processes in the body. To do this, you must adhere to 3 rules:

  1. To be in warmth. Regardless of the weather on the street and the air temperature of the house, you should dress so that it is comfortable, if necessary - to cover yourself with a blanket. In this case, it is necessary to avoid overheating.
  2. Relax. Sleep will help restore energy and restore strength. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on the activity of the immune system.
  3. To drink warming drinks. Warm tea, herbal decoction, compote or mors provide better blood circulation and normal body temperature.

Tablets with banal supercooling are not needed, all unpleasant symptoms will disappear the next day.

If there was a virus infection, the tactics of treatment are similar to the treatment of acute respiratory infections and influenza - warm drinking, bed rest, vitaminized diet.

To relieve the clinical manifestations of the disease, antipyretic agents based on paracetamol or ibuprofen, as well as antihistamines (for swelling of the nasal sinuses and tear) are used. From a pain in a throat it is possible to get rid of candies and tablets for resorption (Holls, Strepsils).

It is important to note that it is forbidden to select and take antibiotics on their own, strong medicines are prescribed only by a doctor.

How quickly to treat a cold with folk remedies?

An alternative to medicines are herbal teas and natural products, which no less effectively eliminate the symptoms of hypothermia and ARVI. For example, a pronounced antipyretic effect has an infusion of dried raspberry leaves (1.5 teaspoons per 200 ml of boiling water). Literally in 20 minutes after its reception the temperature of a body is normalized.

We treat colds in adults and children at home quickly:

  1. During the day, drink a lot of green, chamomile tea, warm compote or mors, water with raspberry, cherry jam, broth of wild rose, with the addition of citrus.
  2. Gargle with salted water, infusion of oak bark, soda solution. By the same means you can wash your nose.
  3. A few times a day to dissolve in the mouth a little bit of natural honey.
  4. Bury in the nose fresh juice from the leaves of aloe or Kalanchoe.
  5. Before going to bed put mustard on the feet and shins, if necessary, you can also warm your back and chest.

How quickly to treat a cold on the lips with ointment?

About 95% of the world's population is infected with herpes . This virus can not be removed from the body completely, so most of the time it is in a latent state, activating only when the activity of the immune system decreases. It is at such moments that small watery blisters appear on the lips, often referred to as colds.

The fastest way to get rid of the symptoms of herpes is with the help of pharmacy ointments: