Prayer to Archangel Michael

In the most important book of Orthodox people there is little information about the world of angels, all because the invisible world was created long before our time. It is known that the angels of the being are spiritual, they have personality, intelligence, will and power. Invisible "helpers" are messengers of God, they bring people to God's will concerning the world in general and each person separately. In addition, they are still intercessors on behalf of the people before God, and also fight with the enemies of the light forces. Some angels have a prefix "archa", which speaks of their elevated position in comparison with others. The main archangel is Michael, he is the only one whose name is mentioned in the Old and New Testaments. Even in his writings he was called "prince", "leader of the army of the Lord," he is the main fighter against evil, which has existed in the world since ancient times. From the Hebrew language, his name translates as "who is equal to God." Unlike other angels, he is a people for declaring the miraculous power of God. The first victory of Michael over evil was still in heaven when he and his army came out against the fallen angel Lucifer and his henchmen. Now his battles continue on the ground, and all people are his participants. In addition to the war, Archangel Michael is an assistant in many troubles. Requests that people send to him, will always be heard, because he is considered the patron and protector of all Orthodox Christians from enemies and evil spirits. He is treated with various prayers for healing. In fact at them the source of all illnesses is the evil spirit which gets into the person. To St. Michael the Archangel you can pray with prayer on any important issue. Sincere request will be necessarily heard.

Prayer to Archangel Michael

It is necessary to read it at any time, when you need the help of Higher Forks. Prayer will give you strength and energy for daily accomplishments. Also, you can read it before important decisions to protect yourself from reckless steps. Prayer to Archangel Michael sounds like this:

Already immediately after reading the prayer you will feel more confident and stronger. You can read it daily, then no problems are terrible for you.

Prayer to Archangel Michael for Help

When your thoughts are restless before an important event and negative pictures start to appear in your mind to resolve the situation, read the following prayer, which will not only calm you down, but will also show the best way to solve the problem.

Prayer to Archangel Michael on Healing

If you have suffered a serious illness or emotional turmoil, you can use the prayer addressed to Archangel Michael to heal the soul and body, which will give you strength for a quick recovery. This prayer sounds like this:

Archangel Michael's Prayer for Health

To quickly recover and recover from the disease. This Holy is responsible for the blood in the human body. The reference to it is read at night, accompanied by a request to solve the problems:

Prayer to the Archangel of God Michael will bring relief to people who suffer from hypertension , and they will help get rid of migraines and other health problems.

Clergymen argue that for Archangel Michael there are no small problems, all requests that are addressed to him, are always heard. So do not hesitate to ask for help when you need it.

You can buy the icon of the Archangel Michael in the church, which you will need to place in your house, to protect not only you, but the whole family at home. In this case, you will not need to be afraid of any problems, since the angel will protect you with his power.