Is it possible to raisin during breastfeeding?

During breastfeeding, the intake of vitamins and trace elements into the body of the mother is not as active as before, because the baby can respond in the form of an allergy to the introduction into the diet of the mother of useful products in the form of fruits and vegetables. But what about the situation with dried fruits, can I eat raisins when breastfeeding, - not everyone knows. Let's dispel the fog over this issue.

Benefit or harm?

Those who advocate the use of raisins for GW, motivating its usefulness, do not know whether it is possible to eat it immediately after the birth of a child. In this difficult period, moms require vitamins, in particular high-dose vitamins, especially microelements, because some of them she loses during lactation, transferring to the growing up child.

But if the mother doubts whether it is possible to eat raisins while breastfeeding a newborn , she is right. After all, too early introduction into the diet of even the most useful products can cause the baby intestinal colic, indigestion and rash. The baby's organism is only adapting to food and any changes in the composition of breast milk can shake the delicate balance. So, definitely, it's better to wait a little (2-3 months) before you start using dried fruits.

Certainly, the costume contains a lot of useful - B vitamins, phosphorus, potassium, iron, nicotinic acid and other components that are no less important for women's health and beauty. In dried fruits of grapes they are contained in concentrated quantity and are digested much better than from fresh berries.

In addition to saturating the feeding mommy with useful substances, raisins are often used as a useful sweetness, because the content of glucose and sucrose in dried fruits is very high. Since breastfeeding almost all sweets under the ban, raisins have an advantage - it rarely causes allergies and other unwanted reactions.

How to use raisins for a nursing mother?

It is important that the first techniques of useful raisins were minimal, that is, you can eat only a couple of berries at a time and closely monitor the baby's condition for two days. If his behavior, as well as stool and skin have not changed, you can slightly increase the amount of dried grapes in the diet, bringing it to 100 grams 2-3 times a week.

Certainly, the berries should be thoroughly washed and thermally treated. But it is better to cook a raisin from a raisin - a kind of compote of berries. They boil for a couple of minutes, and then insist until the cooling.

Now we know if raisins can be given when breastfeeding. Definitely, the answer is yes. Such a valuable and tasty product will replenish the stocks of necessary trace elements and will satisfy the need of nursing mother in sweets.