Nutrition in the kindergarten

Currently, moms and dads can ask at any time what their children are eating in the kindergarten, because the Dow management is obliged to submit a report on the diet and diet, as well as certificates confirming the quality of the products. So parents should not have cause for concern. Nevertheless, some issues still remain open.

Catering for children in kindergarten

Of course, meals in a private kindergarten can be much more diverse. But, unlike government agencies, private kindergartens independently choose suppliers of products. And municipal institutions deal with companies that won the tender. True, there is a possibility of purchasing certain types of food products on the market, with documents confirming their quality.

Upon admission to the DOW, each product is accompanied by three documents: a bill of lading, a certificate from veterinary medicine and a certificate of quality. Responsibility for receiving and testing products is borne by a doctor, nurse and storekeeper. Responsibility, as well, go to the company that carries the transport of products. It is obligatory to have a book-keeping kit for the forwarder and driver and a health certificate for the vehicle. If the kindergarten is equipped with a kitchen, references must have a cook. The kitchen room, too, undergoes regular checks.

From the prices for products, the local budget and working conditions of carriers, the cost of feeding children in kindergarten is largely formed. In fact, only a small part of the monthly payment for a kindergarten for food is allocated. With this approach, the child will not remain hungry, but will not try delicacies.

All licensed DOUs are regularly checked by SES and specially created commissions. Therefore, documents and product labels, indicating the date of production, are stored in the kindergarten.

The regime and diet in the kindergarten

The menu of the child in the kindergarten should be balanced and varied. Therefore, the general norms of nutrition in kindergarten are adopted, which municipal and private institutions are obliged to adhere to. It should be borne in mind that the diet depends on the age group of the child. For example, in the 1-3 year-old age, 53 grams of proteins and fats, and approximately 212 grams of carbohydrates are prescribed for children. For children from 3 to 6 years old, the norms of nutrition in kindergarten are increased - proteins and fats at 68 grams, carbohydrates - 272 grams.

The health worker must be directly involved in the design of the menu. A special, so-called, brokerage magazine is being conducted. In it, enter the daily diet and the quality of the products used.

In kindergarten, the child must receive four meals a day. In many DOW, a second breakfast is provided in the form of fruit or juice. Food in the kindergarten is allowed to store for future use in the form of jam, pickles, marinades or frost. Of course, all the blanks must have a certificate from the sanitary epidemiological service. The daily menu should be displayed in the lobby of the preschool. But, the nutrition plan is being developed ahead. All wishing parents have the right to get acquainted with the menu for the next two weeks.

The food of an allergic person in a kindergarten should take into account the individual reaction of each child. Therefore, it is the direct duty of parents to warn the health worker about the nature of the allergic reaction. But this does not mean that with an allergy to tomatoes, the child will be offered a cabbage salad. Most likely, he will simply be left without a salad on this day. The budget of a pre-school institution, often, does not allow to make a separate menu for every allergic child.