15 stories about how Swedish dads are sitting in a decree

Did you know that maternity leave in Sweden is one of the longest in the world? So, to stay with the newborn baby can be as much as 480 days, "taking" it in parts - by months, weeks, days and even by the hour.

And the authorities will pay it in the amount of 80% of the salary, and if you are also a civil servant, you will receive 100% of everything. But be prepared to learn the most interesting fact - from 480 days exactly 60 with the child should sit daddy, and if he refuses, that these days are deducted and not paid!

It was assumed that this forced measure would help parents understand each other better, learn to distribute responsibilities and think about their families and careers on an equal footing.

But, alas, in fact it turned out that only 12% of the new popes are ready to take advantage of bonuses from the state and give 2 months for the care and upbringing of their baby. And photographer Johan Bävman is one of them:

"I started this project when I stayed at home with my young son. Then it seemed to me that in this business I am lonely and without support. And I came up with the idea of ​​photographing and collecting stories of popes who, like me, did not give up their share of parental leave, find out why they took this step and what a lesson they learned ... "

Let's find out what has come of this?

1. Johan Ekengård, 38, a product developer at Sandvik and Pope Ebby (7 years old), Taira (5 years) and one-year-old Steen:

"I was forced to make possible financial losses on vacation, but as a result I won twice - I am sure that I took place as a dad and began to understand my spouse better. And our strong connection with children is very important for their growing up ... "

2. Urban North, 32, infrastructure consultant and 10-month-old Holger dad:

"In everyday life my wife and I try to be on an equal footing as much as possible. In the first months it was very difficult for us, but today I'm proud of this period. Our baby refused dampers in 4 months! And my today's day consists of the fact that I have to cook Holger food and play with him. "

3. Loui Kuhlau, age 28, actor and father of Elling's son:

"In our family there has never been a discussion - who will have to sit with the child. It's obvious that both parents should take part! But if I had not had the opportunity to be with Elling for a year, I would not even have guessed what he was like and what his needs were. It's amazing, because in the decree they pay for a full working day, so why do not people want to be at home with their child? "

4. Samad Kohigoltapeh, 32, a civil engineer and twin daddy of Paris and Leia:

"You gave the world new men and it's your duty to patronize them throughout your life! But I even argued with my wife, in order to win "my" months! "

5. Ola Larsson, 41, marketer and father of Gustav's son:

"This is a real gift - to be able to become closer to the child and establish strong emotional ties! Dads do not even know what they are losing when they choose work instead of vacations. "

6. Tjeerd van Waijenburg, 34, product developer in Ikea and father of Tim's son:

"Even now, when my 60 days are over, I insist on shortening the working week to spend more time with my son. Disgrace to those dads who do not see any advantages in the equalizing system! "

7. Andreas Bergström, 39, civil servant and father of two sons:

"After the birth of my youngest son, my wife had complications. I took the lion's share in the education of the older baby and felt the father's contact through the artificial feeding of the younger. Now my children trust me as much as my mother, and this is very important for me! "

8. Marcus Bergqvist, 33, a civil engineer and father of the sons of Ted and Sigge:

"Women prepare for motherhood from the first days of pregnancy, and the popes become suddenly, after giving birth. But I think that if I had not coped with my duties on vacation, the bar of self-esteem would have been omitted! "

9. Marcus Pranter, 29 years old, seller of wines and dad 8-month-old son:

"These are stupid rules! Dads should go to the decree, if they want, and not at the direction. And the longer the popes delay this vacation, the more difficult it is to establish contact with the child. In our family, my wife and I shared the responsibility for educating them equally. "

10. Göran Sevelin, 27, student and father of Liv's daughter:

"Even if you lose financially, being with a child is the most important thing! Moms make contact during breastfeeding, so the dads should also take care of their emotional relationships with the baby during this period. "

11. Jonas Feldt, age 31, administrator at the employment center and father of the daughters of Syria (1 year) and Lovis (3 years):

"A signal for me was a poll in a youth magazine. It turned out that most of the children, when they are ill or uncomfortable, seek protection from their mother. And I want my girls to always be able to rely on me! "

12. Ingemar Olsen, 37, IT consultant and father of the sons of Linus and Joel:

"For me it was a difficult decision, because in the industry I work for, men dominate. But my employer was an excellent family man, which inspired me. Today I'm happy that I spend time with children and understand their needs well. "

13. Martin Gagner, 35, administrator of the University of Malmo and Pope Matilda (4 years) and Valdemara (1 year):

"With my daughter I was not on vacation, and I feel guilty. I think that I have lost a lot, and as close as I can not be with my son ... "

14. Juan Cardenal, age 34, student and father Ivo (1 year) and Alma (4 years):

"Parental leave completely changed my life - I had time to think about the main thing, I was able to radically change my career, and I also had an opportunity to see the first steps of the children!"

15. Michael Winblad, 35, unemployed father Matisse (2 years) and Vivian (5 months):

"I was lucky with my wife. In difficult times, her income could cover the expenses of our family. And I, in turn, tried to be the best dad from all the dads "!

To date, the heroes of photographer Johan Bävman have already become 30 popes on maternity leave, but the goal is to collect 60 stories (according to the number of days off), so - to be continued ...