Cysts of endocervix

Quite often on ultrasound in women, the endocervix cyst or the cervical cyst of the cervix can be diagnosed. This formation of a rounded shape, which is formed when the glands of the cervix are blocked (the retention cyst of the cervix). Cysts of endocervix can be located not only on the outer vaginal surface of the cervix, but throughout the cervical canal.

Cysts of endocervix - reasons

Most often the cause of the appearance of endocervical cysts is the ectopy of the cylindrical epithelium from the cervical canal to the outer surface of the cervix or vice versa - the flat epithelium inside the cervical canal during inflammatory processes, cervical injury during labor, cauterization, surgical interventions. Cysts endocervix located on the outer surface of the cervix, facing the vagina, with ectopia there from exocervix glands from the cylindrical epithelium. Small cysts of endocervix (up to 5 mm), often found in women giving birth and can be considered a variant of the norm.

Cysts of endocervix - symptoms

The signs of endocervical cysts can be found on ultrasound or colposcopy, but the woman does not make any complaints. Sometimes women can complain about the appearance of spotting or brown spotting before the menstruation and these symptoms are taken as signs of a cyst, but it may be signs of cervical endometriosis.

Diagnosis of endocervical cysts

One of the most informative methods for diagnosing endocervical cysts remains an ultrasound scan. Echo signs of endocervical cysts on ultrasound are anechogenous (black) formations of rounded shape with distinct, even edges ranging in size from several millimeters to 1-2 cm. Single endocervix cysts of small size are most often found. But, over time, cysts can grow in size, deforming the cervix, or multiple endocervix cysts of different sizes appear.

In addition to ultrasound, diagnose endocervical cysts can and with the help of a routine examination in a gynecologist in the mirrors. When examined, the formation of a round form is whitish in color with liquid contents. But colposcopy under a microscope will be more informative. For differential diagnosis, a cytological examination of the smear and a PAP smear are additionally used, which help to detect premature and cancerous changes in the cervix in time. Additionally, a smear is tested for hugenital infections so as not to miss inflammatory diseases of the cervix.

Cervical endocervix cysts - treatment

After the endocervical cyst is diagnosed, the doctor chooses the method of treatment. Before deciding how to treat endocervical cysts, it should be remembered that small single cysts are not considered a disease and do not require intervention.

Sometimes on small cysts of endocervix, you can try folk remedies, using the infusion of fresh burdock leaves, white acacia flowers, pine nuts or golden mustache, but not more than a month, and if during this time the cyst has not decreased in size, then use traditional methods of treatment.

Superficial cysts the doctor can puncture and remove the secret. And if after a while the cyst is restored in size, then its destruction is applied. Treatment of endocervical cysts with the help of a laser is performed if they are clearly visible during the usual gynecological examination in the vaginal part of the cervix.

When radio wave surgery (for example, using the apparatus Surgitron), evaporation of pathological tissues occurs, without subsequent bleeding, without the formation of later scarring, without affecting healthy tissues. This procedure is not painful and healing occurs quickly. Treatment of deep endocervix cysts is carried out by cryodestruction with liquid nitrogen.