The wreckers of the cherry and the fight against them

Red, juicy, sweet-sour cherries in fresh and processed form we all have loved since childhood. Love them and our children. How offensive, when insects-pests settle on the cherry and spoil the harvest. Only timely struggle with them can save trees and preserve berries.

How to deal with pests in cherry?

The most common pests of cherries are cherry sawflies, cherry weevil, aphids, hawthorn caterpillar, plum moth.

The most dangerous pest is the cherry sawfly. The insect completely destroys the surface of the leaf surface, and the leaf turns into a skeleton with bare veins. This negatively affects the yield and winter hardiness of cherries.

Than to process a cherry from this wrecker: already in June-the beginning of July it is necessary to process trees chemical preparations "Aktellik" and "Piriton".

When attacking cherry trees with cherry weevil, which eats not only leaves, but also kidneys, ovaries and buds, laying eggs inside the fruit bones, it is necessary to process the garden with "Actellikom" or "Rovi kurth".

Frequent pests of cherries are leaf aphids, and the fight against them is the treatment with chemical preparations or infusion of tobacco with the addition of liquid soap.

But there are also such pests of cherry, the fight against which must be carried out not in the summer, but much earlier - before the appearance of leaves on the trees.

Caterpillars of hawthorn, eating buds and leaves, appear in early spring. They winter in the nests, which must be collected from the trees before they exit and destroy. Affected plants must be sprayed with insecticides or biological products.

Plum moth spoons eggs in green fruits, and the red caterpillars hatching from them capitally spoil the harvest. The treatment must be carried out before the appearance of the first caterpillars by benzophosphate or carbophosphate.