Officially: Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux announced a divorce

The newsline of all the internet and glossy publications exploded from comments on the news about the parting of Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux. The most terrible predictions were confirmed: one of Hollywood's most famous couples announced a divorce. Rumors about intra-family problems have been going on for a long time, but in numerous interviews, Aniston and Teru all denied and assured themselves that they were happy. What happened?

Aniston tried to save the marriage

In order to avoid speculation about the causes and search for the perpetrators of the rupture of relations, Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux made the official announcement:

"To avoid speculation and the appearance of numerous gossips around our decision to divorce - we decided to make an official statement and thereby save us from further questions. We get divorced. This decision was taken by mutual consent at the end of last year. We continue to be friends and close people, but we part as a couple. Of course, we would like to avoid publicity and hype about the divorce, but given the love of speculation on this topic and for maintaining normal relations between us, we say it openly. Any information that does not come from us personally about the divorce case is knowingly false. "
The marriage lasted two and a half years

Let's note that they began to talk about divorce for a long time. Sources close to the pair claimed that Jennifer had difficulty imagining the possibility of another divorce and would do everything to preserve the relationship:

"Jen makes every effort to save his marriage. But her entourage is sure that she deceives herself and turns a blind eye to the obvious things and contradictions in the pair. "

The last joint appearance in the public and a romantic journey

The last time the couple appeared together at an official event in late July on the Hollywood Walk of Fame was to personally congratulate Jason Bateman on getting the name star. After this case they were not seen together, only separately.

Friends note that during the New Year celebrations in Mexico, they were together and looked quite happy. None of the guests could even think that the decision to divorce has already been taken, as Aniston and Teru claim in their yesterday's statement.

Strange and meaningful fact happened recently, Jennifer's birthday celebrated in a circle of friends, which led fans to the idea of ​​problems within the pair.

It's difficult to spy on the couples' personal lives on social networks, as neither Aniston nor Thero do not favor their fans with joint photos and pay little attention to accounts.

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Causes of divorce and division of property

What is the reason for the divorce? Hollywood couple does not sound the reason for parting and left the right not to devote to private problems of strangers. But Western journalists put forward several options: a strong passion for work and career, a different attitude toward the issue of replenishment in the family, betrayal or cooling feelings to each other. Fans only can guess the true reasons for the quarrel.

One of the most sick subjects of any Hollywood couple, this is the property division. Insiders report that Aniston and Teru will quickly and painlessly decide all the formalities. During the marriage, they did not acquire real estate and did not invest joint money in projects. Given that Jennifer and Justin voiced the preservation of friendly relations between them, it is expected that Teru will not claim the finances and real estate of a richer ex-wife.