Osteoarthritis of the foot - symptoms and treatment

Arthrosis is one of the most common joint diseases. It can develop in any of them. In this article, we will talk about arthrosis of the foot - symptoms and necessary traditional treatment and therapy with folk remedies.

Causes and Symptoms of Arthrosis of the Foot

The initial stage of development of arthrosis is usually accompanied by:

These symptoms are manifested, mainly after a long walk or in wet weather. But, unfortunately, few people turn to the doctor at this stage, so the disease progresses.

The second stage of foot arthrosis is characterized by increased pain, they become more prolonged and sharp. Near the aching joint appears swelling, redness, and also begins the deformation of the foot, which manifests itself in the thickening in the area of ​​the thumb (the so-called "bone" grows).

With arthrosis of the third degree, the pain in the foot practically does not subside, even if it does not undergo a load. Deformation of the joint is strongly pronounced, with the thumb falling down, which causes the mobility of the joint to drop sharply and the person's gait changes. In addition, due to changes in the shape of the foot on the formed protrusions, corns are constantly appearing, and the bending of neighboring bones may occur.

The main reasons for the development of foot arthrosis are:

Treatment of arthrosis of the foot joints

Treatment of this ailment consists in the removal of the pain syndrome and inflammation in the joint, and then in restoring its mobility. This means that the patient is first prescribed analgesics and anti-inflammatory non-steroid drugs, such as:

Sometimes it is recommended that steroids be inserted into the joint itself.

When the pain has decreased, appoint:

It is worth trying and folk remedies. It can be a compress made from a tincture of eucalyptus.



Eucalyptus pour water and insist 7 days in the dark.

Compresses can also be made from decoction of potatoes in uniforms or from kefir and ground into chalk powder.

In the last stage, arthrosis is most often not treated by the listed methods. In this case, it is necessary to carry out the operation either to replace the patient's joint, or to fix it.