What is crossfit - an effective training program for women

There are many areas in the sport that are used for different purposes: weight loss, strength increase, muscle corset development and so on. The crossfit is very popular, which you can practice in the hall and at home, the main thing is to take into account all the rules and features of the training.

Crossfit - what is it?

The sports movement, based on the multilateral physical development of its body, is called a crossfit (CrossFit). Its founder is Greg Glassman, who was a professional gymnast. To understand what crossfit is for women, it is important to note that such training includes elements of weightlifting, bodybuilding, fitness, powerlifting, gymnastics and weightlifting. Exercises of this direction are divided into several groups, which are intended for people with different physical training.

Crossfit - the pros and cons

The popularity of the presented sports movement is due to the presence of a large number of advantages.

  1. Helps to train the heart, increase the endurance of the body and improve metabolism .
  2. With regular training, you can develop flexibility and coordination of the body, increase strength and muscle mass.
  3. The advantages of crossfitting are related to the fact that a person develops in different directions and becomes a kind of "universal soldier".
  4. The benefits include the diversity of training, so do not have to be bored.

Finding out what crossfit is, it is important to take into account the shortcomings of this direction. During training, the cardiovascular system is seriously loaded. Crossfit is a traumatic direction, so it is so important to observe the technique of doing exercises. Its universality causes one more minus - the sportsman can not become the best in a concrete direction. Therefore, those who want to know what better crossfit or bodybuilding should take into account the goal and if you want to seriously pump up the muscles, then the second option is better suited.

What is the crossfit developing?

The concept of training implies the complex development of the whole body, so they can simultaneously improve various physical characteristics.

  1. Regular training helps to increase stamina, strength, accuracy and balance.
  2. To the list, which relates to what the crossfit gives, include the development of flexibility , coordination, speed and power. As a result, it becomes easier for an athlete to adapt to other loads.
  3. It should be said about the positive effect on the state of the cardiovascular and respiratory system.

Crossfit - Motivation

For sports to be fun, and there was no desire to give up everything, the right goal is of great importance. Many people gave up and stopped doing cross-media, because often programs are a real test for strength, so it's important to find motivation. Many beginners choose a multifunctional training for preparing the body before practicing professional sports. The goals of the crossfit may be different, for example, women choose it for rapid weight loss, and men to improve the relief of their body.

Crossfit - training program

Any sports direction has its own principles and rules, which must be taken into account. If possible, the first sessions are recommended to be supervised by a trainer, which will help to choose the right exercises, choose the optimal pace to minimize the risk of injury. If there is no opportunity to go to the hall, then first you will have to pay attention to the theory, and only then to proceed to practice. To understand what crossfit is, it is necessary to take into account a number of important rules:

  1. A beginner is advised to try several programs, and then, alternate them with each other. If the goal is to train one particular muscle, then it is necessary to perform a monotonous complex once a week.
  2. For 20-30 minutes. it is important to perform three cycles of exercise.
  3. Between exercises, rest should be minimal.
  4. For training, exercises are selected, and the number of repetitions or the specific time for which they are to be performed is determined.
  5. You need to start with a warm-up to warm up the muscles and ligaments. If this is not done, there will be an increased risk of injury.
  6. To achieve results, cross-training should be regular, that is, at least three times a week.
  7. It is recommended to increase the load gradually, so that the body gets used, and progress is visible. Choose weight, focusing on your own physical training.

Crossfit at home

Many do not have the opportunity to practice in the hall, but this is not a reason to give up training, because there are exercises that can be done at home. Be sure to begin with a warm-up, which should last 10-15 minutes. It is suitable for jumping in place, rope, rotation head, mahi and so on. The presented program of the cross-class house must be performed in four circles in the minimum amount of time. Try to constantly improve the result.

Crossfit - exercises for weight loss

There is a huge amount of exercises that can be included in training wishing to lose weight. There are options that imply the use of extra weight, and without it. It is better for beginners to start from the second option, and then, to increase the load. For those who are interested in what a crossfit for losing weight, you need to know that this is a unique program to burn fat, get rid of cellulite, work out a muscle corset and improve the figure.

  1. Birpi . This exercise includes several components, connected in a chain. First sit down and get your hands to the ground. After pushing your feet in a jump, take a horizontal position. A push-up is performed from it. Then climb up, returning your legs in the jump to the starting position, and make the jump up and so on. The steps of this exercise must be performed at a fast pace.
  2. Push-ups with cotton . Crossfit for weight loss includes exercises for the development of the hands and pectoral muscles, so good results give push-ups. Take the emphasis lying, putting your hand on the width of your shoulders or slightly wider. The body must be straight and tense. Go down as far as possible, at the expense of bending arms in the elbows, and at the exit make an explosive effort and throw the body up to have time to make cotton. It is necessary to land on slightly bent arms, performing springing movements.
  3. Squats with dumbbells . Understanding the topic - what is the direction of crossfit, you can not miss out on this exercise, which helps to work out the muscles of the legs and buttocks. Take dumbbells in your hand and keep them near your shoulders. Squat downward, pulling the pelvis back until the hips are parallel to the floor. Lock the position, and then, rising, lift the dumbbells at the same time over your head.

CrossFit Program for Beginners

Each athlete has the right to independently create a program that will meet the rules and his capabilities. As an example, a crossfit program for beginners is proposed, which is designed for a month. You can execute it anywhere, since no additional inventory is required. The presented complex is simple and for it exercises with an emphasis on own weight are chosen. It is important not to forget about rest, because the body needs time for recovery. On each week, it is necessary to increase the time of maximum repetitions by 5 minutes.

The first day The maximum number of laps in 15 minutes:
  • 10 air squats;
  • 20 jumps on the rope;
  • 15 press twists;
  • 10 burries without push-up;
  • 10 push-ups.
Second day Recreation
Day Three The maximum number of laps in 15 minutes:
  • running 200 meters;
  • pulling up 5 times;
  • strap 20 seconds;
  • 10 push-ups from the knees;
  • squats with a jump 5 times.
Day four Recreation
Day five Maximum number of laps in 20 minutes:
  • 20 attacks;
  • 15 push-ups;
  • lifting the legs lying 12 times;
  • the strap is 20 seconds.
Day Six Recreation
Day Seven Maximum number of laps in 20 minutes:
  • 50-100 times the jamming jack;
  • curtsy on each leg 15 times;
  • lifting of the pelvis 25 times;
  • jumping rope 50 times;
  • Press-twisting 25 times.

Cross-fencing equipment

Since this training includes exercises of different directions, then their basic and additional equipment is used.

  1. From gymnastics rings are taken, which help strengthen the muscles of the back, the press, the shoulder girdle and hands.
  2. Engaged in a crossfire on a rope to strengthen the muscles of the hands and body.
  3. We also use such equipment for crossfit: horizontal bar, pliobox, sports gum, medball, training loops, dumbbells, weights and bars.
  4. For kardionagruzki in training are engaged in a rowing machine, a rope, a treadmill and an exercise bike.

Crossfit Clothing

The pledge of a good workout is a comfortable suit that should not constrain movements. Clothing for crossfit for women should be as close to the body as possible and be light. For sports training it is not recommended to choose a suit made of natural material, for example cotton, because it does not draw moisture away and does not drag. It is important that the tissue stretches well, absorbs moisture well and prevents overheating of the body. Crossfit for girls requires a properly selected top, which will be good to fix the chest. It is recommended to use shin protection and gloves.

CrossFit Shoes

For classes it is necessary to choose sneakers, which must comply with certain rules. When choosing a model, pay attention to the sole, which must be rigid, otherwise you will be injured. Shoes should not have a deep protector. For many exercises are suitable shtangetki - special shoes for weightlifting. The best sneakers for cross-fife should not only fix the heel and ankle, but also the side parts of the foot, for which the model should have a three-dimensional frame or inserts. Another important criterion is a well-ventilated upper part.

Crossfit - contraindications

Serious physical exertion can cause harm to health, so it is important to take into account contraindications.

  1. It is forbidden to perform complex exercises for people with diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory system.
  2. Contraindications include the presence of injuries of the musculoskeletal system, recent operations and diseases in acute form.
  3. The damage of crossfite concerns people with acute infectious diseases, liver problems, kidneys, urinary tract, central nervous system and gastrointestinal tract. This is only part of the contraindications, so it is recommended that you consult with your doctor first.