Tuberculous spondylitis

It is not so difficult to guess from the name of this ailment that tuberculous spondylitis is an infectious disease. Of all the similar ailments, this occurs most often, although, fortunately, it is very rare for specialists to deal with it in practice. That is why most people did not even hear of this unusual disease.

The causes of tuberculous spondylitis

The alternative name for this ailment is Pott's disease. Most often it affects the thoracic and lumbar spine. The disease is characterized by a disruption of functions. And tuberculosis spondylitis develops as a result of penetration into the spine of a harmful mycobacterium - Koch sticks - with blood flow.

Infection with tuberculosis spondylitis of the spine is at risk:

Symptoms of tuberculous spondylitis

The biggest problem is that for a long time spondylitis can be completely asymptomatic. The first signs of the disease are manifested only when necrotic processes begin in the spine.

In order to determine the tuberculosis spondylitis in time, it is advisable to make an MRI and undergo examination immediately after the onset of pain. At first, unpleasant sensations are periodic in nature, and with time they begin to torment constantly.

In addition to pain, tuberculous spondylitis can be distinguished by such symptoms:

How to treat tuberculosis spondylitis?

Once the spondylitis is diagnosed, the patient should be hospitalized in the phthisiology department. For a long time the patient has to spend in complete peace. To combat the causative agent of the disease and to relieve pain, antibiotics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs:

Treating tuberculosis spondylitis is important in order to avoid possible complications, among which: